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Showing posts from July, 2015

11 words of wisdom from a very wise 24 years old girl.

I was looking for lists -  lists of things a girl should have learnt or done before hitting the critical age of 24 ( I'm not a girl,  not yet a woman,  right?  :D)  After looking for,  like,  2 infernally long minutes ( God,  give me patience!!!),  I've decided to do what I (at least,  once!) used to do best: write! So,  here's a a list of things I learnt or mastered by now: 1. Accept yourself. Love yourself.  It's not a clichee,  really.  I once accepted the challenge of having to pick 2 words that I would say to my younger self,  if I could.  The first thought was: Accept yourself. Had I known when I was a teenager that I would never become the awesome girl that I am today by trying to be someone else,  it could have saved me a lot of trouble and wasted time.  Be yourself and help yourself become the person you were meant to be. Don't worry if my words don't make sense now: it is the kind of ...