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Three days detoxing diet


 Uoooops, I did again: I woke up with the most annoying sore throat ever, a partially running/partially stuffy nose and the voice of freaking Darth Vader. But that didn't even happen this morning, so let's rewind it a little bit until Monday morning.
 Monday morning we had a 7 hours, home-written exam for the third module. People who don't know what this is about and who grew up in countries where there is no other way than torturing people by letting them sweat their asses off in class for three hours, might be tempted to say "wtf??? Exam from home? Piece of cake!" I say to them, let's open our minds a little bit and realize that being able to memorize hundreds of pages by heart not only is not healthy for the mind, but it also has little practicability in real life and real jobs. When I was in law school we had to memorize laws by heart and we would point to the irony that real-life judges tend to check their books and codes, even in court. Which makes perfect sense now - you don't become a judge because you are capable to stuff as many things as possible in your head and eventually become a moron, you rather become a judge because you know where to look for the laws and, most importantly, you know how to apply them.
 There were 6 and a half hours spent at maximum intensity. Leaving the modesty aside, I won't say I am the fastest thinker, because I am definitely not, but I am among the fastest thinkers out there and it really sucks that I had to spend almost all of the 7 hours at maximum intensity in order to finish all the tasks. It sucks, it sucks, it sucks. Sure, I literally ran to the bathroom like one thousand times, but wouldn't it have been so nice to actually have 10 minutes every other two hours to stretch a little bit, to eat something, to light a cigarette or whatever is it that helps people calm down/recharge?
 After 7 hours spent in maximum distress, I woke up Tuesday morning with the sympthoms mentioned above. I was a total wreck and, what's more, whenever someone saw me, they used to tell me: "Do you have a cold again?" The word "again" made me think: am I getting a cold more often than I am supposed to, as a healthy young woman? During the day it got even worse - no sleeping for me (but, after all, I am a vampire, so I guess I don't need any), the pain was so much worse, despite taking a lot of Ibuprofen and Paracetamol.  At 5 in the morning I made myself another Paracetamol tea and right before starting to drink it, I had an awaking moment: "WTF am I doing here, this is not possible, this medicine cannot be the cure to this cold, especially considering that I am studying Nutrition and how the body can be healed and diseases can be prevented through proper nutrition." So, I didn't drink it; instead, I chose to do something else: I looked in the direction of the newly bought juicing machine and I realized it is high time to do a three days detoxing diet by only juicing!

15.04.2015 - Day one:

 I rapidly googled "3 days detox juicing diet" and the results were mainly from awesome Dr. Oz. Well, one of the very first things they teach you when you decide to study Nutrition is how important it is to take everything with a pinch of salt! There are no such things as fast magic losing weight/cleansing the body diets, magic food items, but rather what is most likely to keep you healthy on the long run is a balanced combination of - well - almost everything. Variety and moderation are the Holy Grail of Nutrition. As a consequence, I started this three days with absolutely no expectations - except for getting better, but I believe my health would have improved anyways after three days. To be honest, I didn't even read enough about it - I just started doing it, knowing and accepting about myself the fact that veggies in juice is still kind of weird for me. If I think about it, it is almost culturally unaccepted - all my life, juice has been something made out of fruits and only! So, I started this with a realistic view of what I will accomplish and what I am capable of doing, because, really, I ain't 12 anymore to dream about "green horses on the walls". (this is the mot-a-mot translation of a cute little Romanian idiom which means "to dream about impossible things.) Moreover, I have never been on a "no solid foods" diet before and God knows I like to be a girl with strong opinions and I cannot allow myself to have an opinion about something if I haven't experienced it before myself!

  Dr. Oz says that the first thing in the morning should be a glass of warm water with the juice from a lemon. My mum says I should be drinking this "lemonade" with honey and Vodka. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeey! I guess this is as good an excuse as any to drink alcohol first thing in the morning - and multiple times throughout the day!!! But really - I am not sure if it is the lemon, the honey or the whole combo, but I works! It really cleared my throat! God bless Mother Russia! :D
  First meal - carrots, apples and ginger - love it, love it, love it!
  Second meal - veggies combo and I forced myself into drinking 75 % of it until I decided I should just give up! I made, instead, a blueberries/raspberries/strawberries/orange combo and it was so nice!!!!!!!
 Last meal - carrots, apples, ginger and berries!

 How I felt throughout the day: I expected to be hungry, instead I really wasn't. My general mood has improved a lot, despite the fact that my throat still hurts. This is definitely not proof of the juicing diet, perhaps the sleep has also contributed a lot ( basically, my schedule today was: One episode of Homeland, one hour of reading, one hour of sleeping. Start all over again.) What I do know is that I feel good, so I will definitely go for 2 more days!
