How to recover after you had your heart broken - how to be SINGLE, for morons. 1. Run. I run like a freaking maniac, every day breaking records. I run on rain, I run on snow - as long as there is someone screaming in my ears, I keep on going. 2. Eat. I nurture myself with lots of good, delicious, healthy, but mostly unhealthy foods. Whenever one of my friends asks me what is happening with me, I simply answer that I ran a lot, so now I must eat, I don't want to lose any of my precious kilos, it's all about balance, right?! 3. Sleep. Guilt-free sleep is a luxury I rarely afford - nevertheless, these days I sleep. All the time, I close my eyes and I let my mind do the trick for me and make my life prettier. 4. Drink a glass of wine with the good food you are preparing for yourself. You obviously deserve it, but don't do vodka shots! Forgetting all about it for one night sure sounds tempting, but remember you have to wake up in the morning to the same ugly truth. Better ...