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Reasons why Valentine's Day is my favorite celebration of the year. (Yes, Sarcasm is a tough language.)

Yes, yes, yes, I know - you, just like many others (I hate to burst your bubble, but you are not the only one completely despising this day!) think that Valentine's day is a commercial celebration designed to make rich people even richer and poor people - well - even poorer. True, true, true. And if you know me a tiny bit, you would know that not only do I think it's huge horse shit, but I am also proud to say I have never celebrated this day. Why?
1. Well. In my previous relationship, I was, every once in a while, surprised with flowers and/or chocolate, regardless of the day of the year. 14th February, 9th of May or 12th of August - if he loves me, he shows it, regardless.
2. Flowers are nice (I ADORE flowers, I am not the punk gothic emo some people think I am - or maybe I used to be back in high school.) Chocolate is adorable, but these don't really matter much. Of course, they are small gestures that will melt my soft heart - but it's actually what he does everyday that matters. Have you mentioned that you would loved to be called at the end of the day, just so you'd talk about each other's day for 10 mins, and then he calls you the next day? Why, in God's name, you would think that getting flowers on a day when the whole planet only talks about buying flowers to your significant other, would mean more to you than those moments when he really listens to your personal needs?
3. Mostly, "listen" to what he does, not what he says. Call me a cynic, but from past experiences I know that you should never trust a man's words when he's horny or drunk - and usually, unless he is completely wasted, he is horny all the time. Men would do lots of crazy shit to "get the deed done" - buying flowers on Valentine's day being the easiest of them. Mostly, don't listen to men that express too much verbally - most men were raised by their fathers and society to be typical alpha males - never show feelings, that's a woman's job. If your guy says "I love you" every other 2 minutes, don't expect him to be there next Valentine's day. Maybe not even next month.
4. Men hate Valentine's bullshit. Absolutely all of them. NO FREAKING EXCEPTION. If your man goes through the typical Valentine torture, he either does it for sex or because he doesn't have balls big enough to tell you the truth. (or maybe having too big balls is the initial issue, if you know what I mean. <wink>) Regardless. If you need a special occasion to have sex with your boyfriend, maybe it's time to set the poor thing free.
5. Valentine's day is a sexist celebration. Explaining why would be the same as explaining why 1+1=2 - if you can't see it, then have a wonderful life and never speak to me again.
