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Showing posts from March, 2016

That kind of wisdom you only acquire in your mid-twenties

   Throughout the years, you learn that, sometimes, Acceptance is your best friend; Letting go is your second best friend.   Making assumptions is your most fierceful enemy.    Those nights when you would crawl in your sleep, sweating and shivering alone, in the dark, were not love. They were exactly the product of the absence of love.   In time, you learn to accept that loving yourself is not a cliche, but the best investment you can make; You realize that all those relationship didn't fail because they didn't love you , but rather because you were unable to receive their love.    You reach 25 and you become less ashamed to admit you are an outsider; a loner; that you can count on your fingers the people you trust with your secret and your time. That you fear being abandoned and dread intimacy. As a result, the closer they get, the further away you run. And you know it's ok because this is who you are. You find shelter within yourself and hid...