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My school colleagues, Christmas eating patterns and X-mas tree.

Since soon it's Christmas and I will be with my family for Christmas for the first time since 2010 when little brother was a sweet little alien who couldn't even see things clearly, I decided to write a post about what happened in my life lately. Not that people are really interested in my freaking boring life as an introverted, but maybe my humor will make you, guys, smile. :)
Things that happen on a daily basis and I am really grateful for: SMILES!!! Of course, I have colleagues with whom I haven't spoken yet (and probably won't for a couple more months when I'll be comfortable enough and I won't shut up!), but they are all so sweet and they smile at me all the time, without telling me that I must hate people for being so quiet or calling me a weirdo for not enjoying parties - I am truly thankful for that, thank you, guys!
I mean - when I am being approached, my mind reacts really strange: if I don't feel truly comfortable with you, I will go like bla bla bla. Don't assume that my English is not proficient or that I am retarded, it also happens in my mother tongue, can you imagine how embarrassing that can get?
  Things people tell me lately that I don't really appreciate: one day at work I was ordering my usual stuff - sugarless Americano (triple shot these days, actually pure coffee with a twist of water!) and one of my co-workers stares at me :"Oh, for Christ'sake, it's Christmas, have some sugar, how can you not have sugar in this period??" Man, I hear that a looot lately. Eat. Eat. It's Christmas so eat. Sugar. Chocolate. Fatty pointless deep fried shit. Eat. It's Christmas. First of all, I have recently lost quite a lot of kilos - not anyone's business how many, though! So I need to be careful. Besides, I am changing my whole approach to food: how silly is it to eat for special occasion, really? I mean, yeah, sure, I'll eat now because it's Christmas, I'll eat next month because it's Boyfriend's birthday, in February 'cause it's Valentine's day, in March and all of the other months because I am a lame person who doesn't have the gut to admit that these are just sad excuses to succumb to addictions instead of trying to be more aware of how harmful and addictive certain things are!
But I do eat sugar. I am not that harsh on myself as you might be tempted to think. If I crave ice cream I will have a considerable amount of it: 100 g. There is really no need to eat 500 g of ice cream in one shot, what are we, competitive eaters?!
  Yesterday we went to the cinema and I ordered a small size of popcorn - for the first time in my life, I would say. Not that I can eat an XL one, but I used to order those for the simple fault of being Romanian! I will explain this to you: my Romanian brain says: wooow, for only 10 dkk more you can order a double or even a triple one, wooow, such a good deal, must take it! After I buy it, I get full after eating less than one half of it but then, instead of just stopping, my Romanian brain says :"omg, you paid all those money for this and you are not even going to eat half of it?? Must finish all popcorn!" We don't really throw out food - we like to clean the plates since actually leaving something on the plate is a sign that you might have not totally adored the food. You can't possibly be full if you like it - if you do like it, there is always room for more, even though the plate is usually a one meter diameter freaking plateau!!! Saying that you like the food doesn't really mean you actually do! Eating until you can't get up from your chair certainly does! Smart people, ha? :)
 Lately I've been told our Christmas tree looks adorable - well, I really don't know how to fake modesty. It happens to me to get the following reaction: when, after spending months around people and not talking at all (and they end up thinking I must be mentally challenged!) and I do start speaking, they get all like :"oooomg you are really smart actually!" and I get the feeling they expect me to be so grateful and truly happy for their appreciation, but - how can I be? It's not like I hear that for the first time in my life. Not even for the 1000th. (Oooh, sweet modesty, why have you deserted me?!) Well - yeah! I say a timid "thank you", when all I really want to say is "of course, our tree is lovely, how else can it be??"
 But then there are those people who think they have the right not only to ask about the price, but also to make pointless comments like: "oooh, you spent so much money on it, but why, why would you spend so much money on the tree, you must be rich or something!" Well, my dear little friend, as long as I work hard for my income (and everyone knows I do!), I might as well be literally wiping my butt with cash, I still don't see how you might think you have the right to judge me! 
  So - I wish you all, those who do celebrate it, a "merry frigging Christmass"!(spoiler alert: that movie is shitty, but if you loved Robin Williams, you will cry like it's freaking Titanic in 3D!) I once said "Bless you!" to a coworker who isn't Christian and he got so pissed off, like I was a motherfucker crusader!!!! "Isnot nice, Georgina, is not nais, not everyone believe God!" Oh, Blogger, would you please stop correcting the mistakes, I am afraid I can't do anything to help you since it was a direct quote!" :)
