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Before the exam. Part 2

   There is a list of things I rarely do, only out of necessity, almost never 2 or more in the same day; If I happen to do most of those things during one single day, it definitely means I have an important exam the second day and I am trying to lose time in a different manner than studying, since the more I study, the more I realize I won't be able to catch up with everything, therefore the more nervous I get.
 1. Clean. Clean everything. Floor, bathrooms, bedrooms, living room, kitchen, wash clothes, wash clothes again, wash the same clothes again; Clean the FREAKING house down as if tomorrow you are going to get married in that house or Barack Obama will be paying you a visit.
2. Run a freaking 10 K. I have a weird relationship with exercising, meaning that I don't always exercise, but when I do, I overdo it; Somehow, I think I am trying to cheat myself into believing that exercising for two hours in a day can make up for 6 other days/week of having the physical activity of a 80 years old.
3. Develop an intense peculiar interest in a specific matter. For two months I wasn't curious whatsoever about anything and now, when I am supposed to focus on, well, pretty much everything, I develop this obsessive-compulsive need to devour everything that was ever discovered about micronutrients; M-U-S-T read/watch all material on vitamins/minerals...Great.
4. Bake an extremely complicated cake because, well, isn't the day right before an important exam the perfect day to try a new sophisticated recipe? No. IT S-I-M-P-L-Y isn't.
5. Shower. Shower every freaking hour because the simple effort of using my brain makes me sweat. I must have used 3000 kcal today from studying only (excluding the intense training session). Talking about negative energy balance, ha?! :D
6. Write a blog post complaining about your incapability to focus, because, you know, that's what people want to read about. Continue one/two/three/all of the unfinished stories you have on your computer, while not finishing any. What can I say, I'm not a closer, that's my dreadful fault, I literally start everything and finish nothing. [note to my readers: it will actually be a big surprise if I manage to finish this post, for every post that I've published, I have at least two unpublished. But probably the very thought of the exam will motivate me to finish it.]
7. Get in touch with everyone of your old friends/ colleagues/ neighbors/ teachers, even make new acquaintances on the very principle: I am not always sociable, but when I am, I definitely shouldn't be.
8.Think of what the future might bring; Try to find evidence whether the moon landing was real or not; Read all the theories regarding the Bermuda triangle. Think of what you're going to do on your birthday, regardless of the fact that there are still 6 months left; Think of how to name your future kids; Think of how you would have named your dog, if you have lived in a parallel universe where you wouldn't be freaking terrified of dogs. Decide what you're going to eat tomorrow. And for the next month.
9. Wax/shave completely, on the very principle: Embrace yourselves, winter is coming to an end. LOL. Inappropriate, I know, sorry :D But, heeeeeeey, good luck to all of us! :D
