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Sometimes I am toxic.

Today I had a small weird conversation with someone I haven't spoken in years and it ended with him saying "this conversation was a mistake. You're having a toxic approach."
Let me explain: all of a sudden this guy starts asking me how I had been, whether or not I was married, if I still lived in Romania or if I had moved abroad; And the fact that I simply couldn't ignore the following things and just keep a cool attitude made him say I was toxic:
1. He was speaking from a Fake Facebook profile, without really telling me who he was, because - quote - "it will no longer be fun!"
2. At some point in our lives (looooong time ago), he made out with two different girls  and he had to make a choice; the choice was the dumber, prettier and closer to him - NOT me, of course.
3. Everytime I see them around, I pretend I have forgotten something ( my brain, probably) in the total opposite direction and so does she.
Let me make it easier for you: guy made a choice, yet we sort of had a complicated thing until I was 18 (girlfriend really not happy about our complicated twisted thing), then we never really spoke again, until one night he decides it's time to create a fake account and disturb Georgiana's peace of mind a little bit. And then complain about Georgiana's tooooxiiiic attitude. Despite the fact that you think it's funny to not really tell me who you are - unfortunately for both of us, but mostly for me, I have been fantesizing about you for 4 years and, in my weird highly introverted manner of being, I know you. I know your specific way of speaking and writing - not that I thought about it for the past years, it's just impregnated in the depth of my subconscious like an old poem I had to memorize for school once and there is nothing I can do about it.
The conversation ended and I was partially mad and partially afraid: am I really toxic? I began to wonder and, after a while, I realized there are simply people who make me toxic, who make me bad, evil, rotten, people who make me doubt myself and want to see me hit the ground - just for the fun of it.  I got angrier, until I wasn't; can't let it get to me, I am no longer 15, am I now?
