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I suffer from a dreadful condition

 Some are forever optimists and they get hurt countless of times; their tears burn their cheeks, the fall hurts like hell every time, but, almost intantly, they somehow manage to get back on their feet and do everything all over again, as if the fall simply took their memories away and they can't remember how badly they were hurt. In a way, they remind me of me when I was a child: I was so clumsy that I managed to fall every other 5 minutes. It was really bad, I would irremediably damage at least one pair of pants every day. I was, as some would say, the girl with two left feet. ( or, in my case, the girl with two right feet - since I am a leftie.)
  Some are pessimists and see the worst in every situation. They always expect for shit to happen, but make no mistake: this characteristic wasn't born out of too many disappointments, it is rather an inborn feature of these individuals, a protective attribute with which some were born. As odd as this might seem, pessimists are the ones that manage to get through life more whole that others - their heart won't be broken in thousands of pieces, but they do pay a great price for it: rarely getting to know how warm another person's heart might feel, rarely getting to stay awake all night long, doing nothing else than caressing another's hair while talking about everything and nothing at the same time. 
  Others like to call themselves "realists", I like to view them as people who would never take a risk; who see no point in leaving their comfort zone, who think they know exactly how and what things are. No, Life was not meant to be a matter of chance, no, life has nothing to do with gambling; their whole life feels taken from a Statistics textbook: go to the college which is most likely to pay off, marry the woman who will most likely give you healthy children and a clean home, always take that one choice that will keep you in control. 
  As for me - I suffer from the worst condition there is: I was born an idealist and this is most likely what's going to kill me. Always born in the wrong place, the wrong century, always having goals that are beyond reach. Some think we, idealists, are just forever day-dreamers (which is not totally false, since you can always catch me day-dreaming.), but we are so much more than that. Rather than dreams, we live our lives based on morals codes that nobody else fallows, nor do they respect: Make sure there is justice in everything you do, make sure not to wrong anyone, seek honesty in everything you do, pursue absolute unconditional love and friendship. The flaw of idealism? "Reality always comes like a slap in the face." 
   And how about you, my friend? What is your condition?


  1. Idealism is not a condition and it is not going to kill you. Google "ALS" and see what a real condition is. People have real problems in the world.. What you have is a pretentious thirst of attention and inflated sense of self importance. This is a truly dreadful condition you suffer from. Free diagnosis, you're welcome.

  2. I used "condition" in the metaphoric way, in a rather funny way - I am not stupid, nor retarded not to know that a "condition" is actually an illness and "idealism" has nothing to do with it.
    If you think that, by doing so, I have offended people with real conditions in any way, then you have the mental and emotional maturity of a 5 years old, you're welcome.


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