I totally love, adore and worship Sundays. [ And now it's the moment when people who know me well are convinced I was being sarcastic and they refuse to believe me, no matter how much I try to persuade them. Has it ever happen to you too? I say one cute small phrase filled with joy and happiness and my beloved ones simply refuse to believe that I can do "happiness", should I be worried that they don't believe I can be a regular girl who's in love with Teddy Bears and the color "pink"?]
But I do love Sundays, I feel this is one of life's pleasure: to be able to take things slow for a day, read a good book near the window, while the shy spring sun warms my hair. So - since I am a "list" girl, I will make a short list of reasons why I am irremediably in love with Sundays.
1. Don't have to be anywhere.
Except for when it happens to work, I usually don't have to leave the house. I can spend all day long in my cozy pajamas or completely naked, I can "massage my soul" with some take away food (I have to mention I didn't come up with that expression myself.), I don't have to put on make-up and, most importantly, I don't have to wear a bra.

This is the link of the picture, because I really don't have resources to undergo a Copy right suit
2. You can work out without having to hurry anywhere.
If it happens to have classes in the morning and work in the evening, I have 2-3 hours which I can properly use by going to the gym, but seriously, who would do that? (that's a silly question, I can think of a lot of people, not me though.)
3. You can take that afternoon nap you have been dreaming about since you were in your last vacation.
I am a full time student, part time worker, coffee free girl, so I promise myself daily that once I get home, I will treat myself with a well earned nap. I never do.
4. You can watch a silly TV show ( I am watching Selfie right now) or a meaningful movie. Maybe I should do a Criminal Minds marathon once. Maybe I should do it today, so I won't sleep for the next week at all and I will be able to finish all my assignments.
5. You finally have time to treat yourself with a nice cup of the lovely tea you have recently bought.
Or, numero 6, you can totally forget about numbers 1 to 5, since you have three assignments to finish in less than a week, so basically you are screwed. And you start hating Sundays. Big Time. And, as usual, start a post in your blog bitching about it. Way to go, girl!
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