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Showing posts from October, 2015

Tangled Souls

   Do you remember the guy that made you smile every day until you just woke up one morning and realized it was simply not enough?  Do you remember the one that got away?  Do you remember the boy with gray eyes?    I have come to realize that we are the generation that doesn't know how to grow up. We are the "forever childish"  generation; not that it is something wrong with that -  if only we stopped tricking ourselves into thinking it's a conscious choice,  if only we were able to admit that we have no idea whatsover how to become adults!    But I cannot lie to myself anymore,  nor can I drag this on forever.  I am no longer a child,  neither are you -  despite how much you would like to be!  I know,  my friend,  it's a terryfing truth I am telling you and you might choose to deny it with a bad joke and a loud laugh,  as you've done so many times before,  but the truth remains the tru...

Miros de urina. (Baiatul cu ochii gri.)

     Miros de urina       Mi-am amintit recent de primul barbat cu care am facut dragoste...Era frumos, masculin, cu parul ciufulit si ochii gri. Da, avea ochii gri. Nu caprui, nu negri. Erau gri, inexpresivi si lipsiti de viata. Nu am crezut atunci si nici macar acum nu cred ca omul acela era pamantean. Cu siguranta trebuie sa fi venit dintr-un alt Univers.    Era vara si erau zilele orasului...Oamenii se imbulzeau cu totii peste tot-copiii vroiau vata de zahar si porumb fiert, jucarii de prost gust, luminite de tot felul, care se stricau imediat dupa ce le cumparai...Adultii, minoritatea venisera acolo pentru copiii lor, iar majoritatea stateau in grupuri mari, fumau, se imbatau si injurau domnisoarele care treceau pe acolo. Am in minte atat de clara imaginea acelor zile de parca totul s-ar fi intamplat chiar ieri. De fapt si acum, dupa atatia ani, este exact la fel.    Dar atunci eram cu tata...El se intalnise cu un cuno...