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My ancestor: Dracula

  Why take something that doesn't belong to you?
Today I told my boss he put me one extra-hour, by mistake, on the payroll. He was surprised and I am not surprised that he was. He told me that I am very honest, but the truth is I simply don't cut corners when it comes to honesty. I am sure everybody has heard all these horror stories about romanian gipsies who take as much as they can get. Hell, the romanian singer, Puya, says in one of his songs :"when you land on the airport, hold your money tight." Therefore, I will just tell the story of a romanian leader, called Vlad the Impaler, who ruled in the 15 century. The thing about this guy is that, like me, he didn't cut corners when it came to honesty either. Therefore, the stories/historical documents say that he would kill/cut hands/do other horrible stuff to whomever dared to steal. "And he hated evil in his country so much that, if anyone committed some harm, theft or robbery or a lye or an injustice, none of those remained alive. Even if he was a great boyar or a priest or a monk or an ordinary man, or even if he had a great fortune, he couldn't pay himself from death. "(Slavonic Tales). He was also a great worrior and we like to believe he did all these horrible stuff just for the love of the country, not for also being a sadist. Either way, it is said that the country was really safe in his period. To cut the long story short, he did unimaginable shit so in the 20 century a Bram Stoker  wrote a novel about him and nowadays he is known world wide as a blood-thirsty wampire.
  So what do Dracula, myself, my parents, my boyfriend and other thousands of romanians have in common? We don't cut corners when it comes to honesty. If I will manage to raise my future children even as half well as my parents did to me, my children will still be fans of Dracula. Thank you, mommy, thank you, daddy!
