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Showing posts from October, 2014

Things Romanian have a hard time understanding. Part 2

1. Dating an older man. When they learn that a young girl is dating an older man - by "they", I mean older generations, but not only - they literally freak out. They get shocked, take it as an offense to whatever "normal" means, as an attack to moral values. They do not accept that love or sexual attraction might be the motives; instead, they turn to frivol reasons such as money and to labels such as "whores". It really doesn't matter how old the guy is - even if he is only ten years older than you, they will keep on saying the following expression :"he might as well be her father." I mean - in what sick society people become fathers at 10 anyways?! If he is 20 years old - "he might as well be your grandfather."   What makes me insane is this pervert need to continuously label people and relationships. If there is something we cannot understand - we just call it "unnatural" and we try really hard not to have any contact ...

The day I became an employee...PE ROMANESTE!!!

  Attention! This post is in a language you may not understand!    Azi la ora patru fara zece ma gaseam in fata oglinzii, pregatindu-ma sa ies din casa pentru o zi scurta de munca. O voce usoara parca imi sopteste in ureche: e 16 octombrie...16 octombrie...octombrie, 16...ohh!   Si atunci constientizezi ca se fac exact 2 ani de cand te-ai angajat pentru prima oara. 2 ani de cand ai inceput sa fii (oarecum) independenta financiar, 2 ani in care cel putin 80% din sufletul tau s-a dus in acel loc de munca. Una buna, una rea, ai putea spune ca este o oarecare balanta, insa atunci cand singura ta reactie referitoare la jobul tau este un usor zambet amar, parca te face sa te intrebi...   In minte vezi acea fata de 21 de ani care, in ciuda tuturor concursurilor si olimpiadelor la care a participat, avea de a face atunci cu cea mai emotionanta zi din viata ei. Sunt curioasa daca voi avea o zi in care voi fi mai emotionata de atat...Olimpiadele erau floare la ureche, ...

Things Romanians have a hard time understanding. Part 1.

Today while I was driving from my home town to Bucharest in order to catch my flight back to the mighty North, I noticed some things and I thought of others. (just to answer some people's question, I don't just sit on the sofa waiting for ideas to come, I am busy as hell, yet there are always times when you just sit and think. And when you get your thoughts in the right order, it takes you only 15 minutes to write a post, voila, le magique.) Since I cursed like crazy so many dudes who got a car and a licence, but not a brain, I thought I should make a list of things Romanian people have difficulty in understanding. 1. Roundabouts. I find roundabouts to be the most elegant mean of intersection (except those little annoying extremely crowded ones, like you can find in Piatra-neamt). If I am to drive 350 km like I did today, I need to constantly remember myself not to look only on my left side while entering the round-about, but also the right side , for idiots. So, imagine I ...