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Things Romanian have a hard time understanding. Part 2

1. Dating an older man. When they learn that a young girl is dating an older man - by "they", I mean older generations, but not only - they literally freak out. They get shocked, take it as an offense to whatever "normal" means, as an attack to moral values. They do not accept that love or sexual attraction might be the motives; instead, they turn to frivol reasons such as money and to labels such as "whores". It really doesn't matter how old the guy is - even if he is only ten years older than you, they will keep on saying the following expression :"he might as well be her father." I mean - in what sick society people become fathers at 10 anyways?! If he is 20 years old - "he might as well be your grandfather."
  What makes me insane is this pervert need to continuously label people and relationships. If there is something we cannot understand - we just call it "unnatural" and we try really hard not to have any contact with these people. In a way, you could say we are nowadays as primitive as we can get: we follow a cultural accepted line and whatever or whoever dares to stray from the "path", will be rejected. In a global community, we cannot tolerate any differences, but let me open your mind a little bit, shall I? My boyfriend is older than me, my father is older than my mum, my grandad is older than my grandmother. The reality is - "older man, younger woman" is the most practiced type of relationship since the begining of the time, whatever you like it or not and I don't know who is entitled to cross a line and say: "X is good, X+1 is too much and he might as well be her father!" (as long as the girl is an adult, of course, I was not talking about 13 years old who thinks the reason why the 25 years old guy dates her is because she is so special and clever, not because the guy is incapable of finding a mature girl, thus a loser!)
 2. Homeless dogs. 
 I have opened this topic countless times before; it is not my intention to enter some sort of vivid conversation with unreasonable people again. Nevertheless, I feel I have to mention this again, also for the Non-Romanians readers of my blog: A couple of months ago, a three years old kid was eaten to death by a pack of stray dogs, in the middle of Bucharest, in the middle of the day. The next second, Romania was divided in two: People who think it is uncivilized to have homeless dogs on the street (including myself!) and the so-called "dog persons", who would kill you even for daring to state that we should move them off the streets. I have to admit, a couple of them were reasonable enough to understand that, despite their great love for dogs, they should not be on the streets. Too few, unfortunately... So, I feel I have to prepare you a little bit, what you are about to hear exceeds the acceptable amount of retarded...They said :1) it was the kid's fault that he died, because he got scared and if he hadn't, the dogs wouldn't have attacked him. On the principle: "Dogs can sense fear and it was really SILLY and UNCOMMON for a THREE YEARS OLD KID to shit his pants when surrounded by some hungry dogs. They didn't say it, but they have implied it: It was SUICIDE. 2) It was the grandmother's fault ( the kid was in the park with his brother and his grandmother) that she didn't watch the child and therefore the kid got away from her. Poor woman was heavily judged, they even said she was under the influence of alcohol. Now - we are talking about an European capital here, so do you know what happens if your three years old gets away from a drunken grandma in Copenhagen, for example? Well - a car might run him over (although, you will see that even that is unlikely to happen), a cyclist might run into him (more probable), but he will NEVER end up being eaten alive by dogs!!!! Not in Copenhagen, nor elsewhere in Europe! It is pointless to say that they were saying I was so angry because of my cynophobia (quilty as charged!), but that was not the reason why I was so intrigued! I didn't claim the dogs should be killed, the only thing I was saying is that it is unacceptable in the 21 century to die eaten by dogs in the middle of the day and this was not a singular case! So - if you think it is normal to have stray dogs on the street (you might tell me they are as friendly as they can get, yet they are animals still and probably they are, most of the times, hungry as fuck, I've heard of human who killed other human due to hunger, how can you tell me dogs can't get dangerous?), you are too retarded to even bother. If you are going to blame a three years old for getting afraid or, as a matter of fact, if you are going to blame me or anyone else for getting scared when surrounded by dogs, you are too retarded to even being spoken to. If you can't realize that having dogs on the street is the ultimate expression of refusing to get civilized, you are simply too retarded. TOO RETARDED. 
3. How to treat each other while living in another country.
  There is this Facebook Forum, called "Romani in Danemarca" (no need for translation, right?) where no matter what you say, they will all explode. It happened too many times and I know better than writing a personal opinion there, for the simple reason that I actually feel like fainting every time someone thinks intensely about me, either in a good way, or in a bad way.(I do not exaggerate, I literally feel my whole body so powerless when someone is thinking too much about me!) Perhaps you didn't get what I meant by this, so I will just give you an example. At some point I have asked a totally inofesive question on that forum "Is there a rubric on Skat where I can write that I travel to my home country and get some money back, since I am a student?" I asked this question because someone I trust told me it was possible, yet instead of "yes" or "no", the answers escalated really fast (as I have already predicted): "You are just another STUPID Romanian WHORE, who comes to DENMARK with the sole purpose to GET as much money as possible without actually WORKING for it, you are a DISGRACE to the whole country, hoooooooo, try to actually WORK a little bit for a change instead of sitting all day long trying to figure out how to cheat the system!!!!!!!!" Yeah, you might as well be freaking NOSTRADAMUS, you have read me like an open book, STUPID, WHORE, NOT WORKING, TRYING TO CHEAT the system, yeah, SURE sounds like me!
 When I first left for Denmark, my father kept on telling me "Be careful with Romanians and other foreigners, they will try to eat you alive!" I am a good spirit who tries to see the best in others, yet I am nothing but silly: I was never under the illusion that we like each other or that we try to help each other whatsoever. It is only natural that, as immigrants, we have to fight for our place in a new society, thus we see in every other foreigner a threat. Nevertheless, the way we treat each other, the amount of hate there is out there, is  simply terriffying. You were right, daddy, there are a looooot of bad people out there!
