* caution, this post may contain traces of obscene language! When I simply feel too exhausted to read or even to watch a movie, yet too high on coffee to get some valuable sleep, I indulge myself with reading some of the posts on the forum "Romanians in Denmark". I used the word "indulge" because I shouldn't do it; after a good laugh, my childish inner self starts feeling miserable. So - except the rare extraordinary times when we bond together to start a freaking Revolution, we really don't like each other that much. It seems like when we have finally found a person that all of us hate the most - in this particular case, the Prime Minister, we are more united than we've ever been and we turn all of a sudden into the most consolidated nation, on the very principle " My enemy's enemy is my friend." Unfortunately, this is not how things stand in general. That being said - this post is not about my personal feelings, but some obs...