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How I became cynic.

At this point in my life - and now I will just use something I saw on Facebook, so no copy rights here - if it doesn't make me happy or if it doesn't bring me money, I will simply not make time for it. To add up, if it's not an investment in my future, I will just say "pass". I have changed a lot and it makes me laugh; from the totally selfless person I used to be, I am on my way into becoming a cold hearted bitch. I used to be young and silly and I used to believe in an unrealistic thing called "karma" and in another fairytale called "afterlife". What goes around, comes around, but the obvious question made its way into my mind :"What am I actually planning on doing? Just give, give, give, praying for it to come around?"
I am still young, yet no longer silly. Not that silly, anyways. Now I have realized "karma" is just a concept invented by some people to explain their misfortune. I am just saying that we are too small to comprehend some things and the way karma works is one of those things. There is no denial: we are all of us in a way connected and every small move we make will eventually trigger something way bigger. Just picture Hitler's mum waiting in the doctor's room for an abortion and having second thoughts about it. I know I am young and we are poor and unemployed, but I believe in KARMA and if I kill this innocent baby right now, maybe I will end up regretting it for the rest of my life!" And - voila, Hitler's mum, I hope Karma was nice to you for doing what's right, 'cause it sure wasn't for millions of jews!
I still believe in God and karma and in "being nice". It's just that it happened way too many times that people screamed at me for trying to help them, way too many times I heard "I do not need your help." The thing is - you cannot push your way into people's heart. If I want to be nice, I can, for example, help fighting Ebola. Help poor kids in developing countries. And if you want my love - you show me yours, I show you mine! , this is how it works from now on!
