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Before the exam

   Last night I couldn't really sleep. I was tired, yes, but do you ever have one of those nights when your body is tired but the voices in your head are not? =D
  So I went downstairs, sit on the couch, surfing freaking Facebook. I mean - I know it was a total waste of time, it wasn't anything that interesting anyways, but what else to do at 3 o'clock? My urge was, of course, to start frantically re-reading everything for the exam, but I knew it wasn't going to help; I have enough school experience to know by now that nothing good comes from trying to - you know - fatten the pork right before Christmas Eve?! No, you don't know, right? This is a cute little Romanian means to bone up.
  The thing about me - my two worst fears are dogs and darkness and here I was, alone in the dark. (I mean - if you still can call it darkness with three lights on:D) Sleep tight, sweet girl, will ya??
 I woke up at 7:30?!, when one cute boyfriend kissed me goodbye and wished me good luck, then I woke up again at 9?!, wishing really hard it was 11. But it wasn't, so I had to wait 3 more hours. I mean...why are they so mean, anyways?
 So, I started to Bake (I really hope I won't use so many "SO's" on my paper). Yes, you definitely do not see me as the Baking kind of girl and I do not blame you - until recently the only thing I could do in the kitchen was to boil some eggs. And pour a glass of water. But then, things have changed and I became aware that I really needed to lose the weight, so I started a diet, but I also knew that it was not going to last if I were to eat low fat yogurt all day long. I started to cook and, guess what? I really enjoy it =D
  Normally I would have gone for a run, but since I have a sprained muscle that refuses to heal, I am doomed to stop being physical active, thing we all know is really a pain in the ass when you lose some weight and you feel as light as a feather. (even though you obviously are not) Two years ago I did one small exercise, that made me realize how great of an impact has on your body losing/gaining some kilos. I was on a training session with my father (we are talking about martial arts) and he was working with some weights to put on the legs. 1.5 kilos each, if I recall correctly. At some point he said I should also give it a go and I said, why not? I cannot tell you how hard it was for me to do simple things with those weights hanging on my legs. I mean - It was a great effort even lifting my legs a little bit and we were talking only about 3 kilos! Then, after one hour I took them off, I literally felt as light as a feather. It made me realize that, even though we really don't feel when we gain/lose weight since it doesn't happen all of a sudden, it has nevertheless a great -good or bad - impact on the body.
  I couldn't run, so I baked some muffins and then a cake.(Low fat, sugar free, of course) Two more hours to go - I spoke with my mum and then I thought: What else besides physical activity and baking calms me down? Well - writing - thus, this post.
