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Mr. Dumb and Mrs. Dumber.

  * caution, this post may contain traces of obscene language!

    When I simply feel too exhausted to read or even to watch a movie, yet too high on coffee to get some valuable sleep, I indulge myself with reading some of the posts on the forum "Romanians in Denmark". I used the word "indulge" because I shouldn't do it; after a good laugh, my childish inner self starts feeling miserable.
   So - except the rare extraordinary times when we bond together to start a freaking Revolution, we really don't like each other that much. It seems like when we have finally found a person that all of us hate the most - in this particular case, the Prime Minister, we are more united than we've ever been and we turn all of a sudden into the most consolidated nation, on the very principle "My enemy's enemy is my friend." Unfortunately, this is not how things stand in general. That being said - this post is not about my personal feelings, but some observations I have made; and if the majority of the country where we live in sees that we really distrust and despise our fellow Romanians, how can you possibly expect them to give us some credit whatsoever?
  Today a guy - a student - asks on the forum if  anyone knows if we get something in return for donating blood. Well - in Romania you would get some money - an insignificant amount - but I have heard of cases where people actually donate blood in order to get that money, which is both crazy and terribly sad. My first reaction was to believe that it is ridiculous to be interested in material benefits when doing such a thing, but after reading the first comment I realized it was, after all, a pertinent question. The first comment - the only one useful - was "I don't know exactly, but I've heard they give you some tickets to cinema or something like that." Well - I am ashamed to admit I have never donated blood, despite my willingness to do so: it is not possible to let some level of discomfort be stronger than my desire to help others. Yet, when I heard of the cinema tickets, I realized it is a nice thing to do: If I were to submit my body to such a stress (and hopefully, I will, one of these days), I would love to see a movie afterwards. It's the perfect "reward" for me and I would go to see a movie, regardless they give me tickets or not. Wouldn't it be nicer if they did?
 Well - it wasn't long until two people started to fight. Well, Mister Dumb and Mrs. Dumber, how I am planning on calling them, had an amusing argument. The one that first spoke was Mr. Dumb, who sees no reason why you should donate blood and, moreover, if you must do it, don't donate blood for the DANES, because THEY ARE THE MOST FILTHY CREATURES THAT EXIST ON THE SURFACE OF EARTH! (The guy was probably mistreated by a Danish boss, on the very principle you would normally find in soap operas, "All men are filthy creatures who cannot keep it in their pants and I cannot ever trust a guy again, I wish they all burn in hell, BECAUSE I am 14 and I had a crush on a guy who didn't share my feelings." Mrs. Dumber joins the conversation by saying "OMG, why do you have to talk so badly about them, if they were so kind to let you - a Romanian!!!! - wipe their pigs' asses, you should be forever grateful!!!!!, on the very principle "I have such a low self esteem and I think so low of my country that I feel the need to lick others nations' asses all day long!" Mr. Dumb's answer was: "Well, everyone, don't mind her, she is just an ex-lover of mine, who now thinks she is so much better than other Romanian people just because she sucks on a Danish cock." Then, the weirdest thing happens: Mrs. Dumber redirects her insults towards the poor guy who asked the question - let's call him the Student. "I just hate it when Romanians like you try to make money with any cost, I mean, come on, for Christ's sake, try to work a little bit for a change, I think it's so low to donate blood!" The poor guy explains to her that he came to Denmark as a student and that his parents can give him financial support, but he wouldn't mind making some money himself, so he doesn't have to take advantage of the parents. He would find a job, but it's hard since he doesn't know the language. Mrs. Dumber "OMG, how could you come to DENMARK and not speak Danish??? I think this is such a disrespect, they - good people - open their borders to you and you don't even have the common sense to speak the language, you should feel so ashamed!", said she, in a more than broken Romanian. You see - one thing that drives me insane is seeing people murdering their mother tongue, that is, if you are Romanian and you don't speak or write in your language at an adequate level - that is, proficient - you are so low in my eyes. When I was younger and "on the market", this is the first thing I asked from a guy. I could never date a guy who is not proficient in their mother tongue, if, at some point, were I to date a foreigner whose language I don't speak, I would, nevertheless, have other people check him. When people retarded in their mother tongue give you a speech about how ashamed you should feel for living in a country and not speaking that language, I GET FURIOUS! I mean, this is the principle "Whatever comes from us is shitty and we mustn't use it/respect it, whatever comes from abroad is wonderful and amazing; For instance, I am so special because, unlike most Romanian girls, I suck on a Danish cock, because Danish cocks are so much better than Romanian cocks, for the simple reason they are NOT Romanian!" AHHHHHHHH........
  I am not taking any sides whatsoever; I believe both attitudes are equally bad and adopted by simple minds, who aren't able to comprehend more from life. Hating Danes because, I don't know, you don't have the life you expected you would in Denmark is a retarded thing to do; On the other hand, kissing their asses because they "let" you work in their country says so many bad things about yourself, as an individual and it is even worse. I think both attitudes show resistance to the movement we experience nowadays worldwide - the creation of a GLOBAL society, where an individual is judged by what he is, not by the place he/she comes from. If I consider myself better (IN SOME ASPECTS!) than some Danes I know, I don't do it because I hate them as a nation; I do it because I know my value, as a human being. If I consider myself a worse person than other Danes I know, I don't do it because I hate my nation or because I think their nation is superior somehow; I do it because I also know my value and my limits. And if we simply could understand that you can be better/worse than another only in some fields of work and not overall, it would be awesome. If we could just comprehend that we are not here on Earth to compare ourselves to others, but rather to compare yourself to who you used to be a day before; that there is no one who has the right to judge who is a better person than another, that we are not nations, but merely Humans...That would be a lovely world to live in.
