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Leaders or not: how far do the responsabilities extend?

   We have been watching a loooot of Master Chef lately and, as a great observer of the human mind as I would like myself to become one day, I saw some resemblances between Master Chef' kitchen and the very kitchen I work in. I strongly believe - and I am going to say this out loud, even though I might end up being hated - that people really don't have any sense of responsability. If you, as a leader, see that something is wrong and you ask who did that thing, you will most certainly end up talking to yourself. Yersterday one of our own leaders was telling how surprised he was that people did something in a certain wrong way ( I will try as much as possible to not say anything specific.) Even though I wasn't asked :"Georgiana, do you also do this particular thing wrong?", even though the question "who does this particular thing wrong?" didn't pop out, I said :"I have always been doing this wrong. I had no idea it was wrong. I didn't know, but I am not ashamed of not knowing." In my opinion, I should be ashamed if I didn't know, but I would say I knew it. No, man. I don't know and I am telling you I don't know, so you will tell me how to do it and next time I will do it right, unlike the other morons who don't dare to speak.
   I seriously don't know why it is so difficult for people to be honest with each other. To take resposability for their own actions. In my opinion, not taking responsability for what you did wrong means that you are not willing to learn anything. I believe it is beneath myself, as a human being, to try to find excuses for what I did wrong. Everything that comes as a pointless excuse sounds just like "bla bla bla bla bla..." A couple of days ago, my manager asked how much time should take to do something(again, I will not say what, as far as I am concerned, I might as well just work at Mc Donald's).In the book, it says 15 minutes, but he asked me for a realistic time, how much time should it time, without any stress. There were a couple of people who shouted with enthusiasm : 15 minutes!!! I thought well and I replied : 20 minutes. When we finished that particular task, I did it in 20 minutes, the guy who screamed "15 minutes" did it in 40 minutes. With the risk of repeating myself, why would you refuse to be honest with yourself and with people around you? With the risk of not sounding like a lady, why do people find it so hard to just grow some balls?
  I simply don't know. It seems to me that I am an weird alien from outer space; I am not saying I don't have any faults myself, au contraire, man, I am so far away from perfection and I think that what can be a great strength - such as honesty - can eventually become my worst nightmare, if it is too much. The thing is I don't think there can ever be too much honesty between two people. How can I call myself an honest person if I am honest only 70 per cent?
  Too little time for us to spend it by being fake to each other. But I will tell you what happens in Master Chef. They make two teams - blue team and red team-  and they cook at different events and different ocazions : for poor people, for some singer's wedding, for taxi drivers, etc. Usually for a lot of people, more than 100. They have different menues and almost always one of the two teams fucks up everything really bad - things like uncooked meat, etc. - the cause being in most cases poor comunication. The weird thing is that always - in each one of the cases when one team fucks up - they put the blame on the leader. Not just a part of the blame, nooo, but 100% of it! I find this particular funny and I will tell you why. At the beginning, the leader shares the tasks : you two make the soup, you three make the main course and you two make the desert. At the end of the time when the guests arrive and the meat is not cooked or the potato soup misses just one insignificant thing: potatoes!!! - the two or three people charged with this will say : but it's the leader's fault!! Why didn't he check the meat to see if it's cooked? The leader told me to cook the chicken meat only 10 minutes and I just did it! ('cause I am too stupid to think for my own.)So, all these people are fighting to become a freaking Master Chef and they are not willing to take the responsability for a single goddamn thing. I mean, you want to become a Master Chef and you need a leader to tell you if the meat you are supposed to make is properly cooked or not? You need a leader to tell you to put salt and pepper in the food?
  Everytime I see this at Master Chef I recall at least a similar situation in our own kitchen; everytime this happens in the kitchen, I have a deja-vu of some episode of Master Chef, so I can't help but wonder : am I the only one who thinks it is just stupid to have our leader check everything we do, to put the responsability on them? Are we seriously just like some kindergarden children who cannot take responsability for anything they  do, so they need to be checked every minute? Is it that hard for us to behave like normal honest adults?
  I might have said a little bit too much, but I didn't give any names, so no one can sue me. It also might not be such a good idea to write after I drink a beer. To end up this post, I will tell you a joke I heard also on Master Chef. How can you recognize a chef? If the person can swear for five minutes without repeating himself at all, that means he is a chef. Haha. Ok, I go now, so like our hot Christian Grey likes to say : Laters, baby!
 Ps : I found this interesting stuff:
“The Paradoxical Commandments

People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered.
Love them anyway.

If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
Do good anyway.

If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies.
Succeed anyway.

The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.

Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
Be honest and frank anyway.

The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds.
Think big anyway.

People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs.
Fight for a few underdogs anyway.

What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.

People really need help but may attack you if you do help them.
Help people anyway.

Give the world the best you have and you'll get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you have anyway.” 
― Kent M. KeithThe Silent Revolution: Dynamic Leadership in the Student Council
