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Things that annoy me

I am a driver. Driving is one of those few things that can clear my mind - together with listening to loud music, and driving while listening to loud music is even better. Just as riding a bike or swimming (or sex, they say, I don't agree: D), once you learn how to drive, you cannot forget it, even though you lack the practice. I only drive once every couple of months, because for some reasons I don't take my car to Denmark. What happens to my car for at least two years, I think, is that the place where you put the gas is sort of broken, meaning that if before I had to push it a little bit and it would open, now it has to be forced really really badly. It is frustrating to wait at the gas station for 10 minutes and beg for it to open. But - and now the funny thing comes - every goddamn time I go to a gas station and I ask the employee to help me put the gas in and he has trouble in doing it, every single goddamn time I am being asked :" Can you go push the button in the car? Can you please go check if there is a button? No? There isn't? There must be a button there. Are you really sure?” I've been involved with this car - because our relationship is personal and intimate - for five years now and you tell me that I might have a button in the car to open that broken shit and I might not know it. In my mind, to ask me a question like this is exactly like you would ask me : "Are you sure you're name is Georgiana? Can you call your mother and ask her? Can you go check your birth certificate just to be sure?.Man, this pisses me off big time.
  To give another example, a couple of weeks ago they sent me to do something( I am talking about work.) and I told them: Ok, I will do it, but I've never done it before.(moreover, I am freaking left-handed, so both of us will die in hell if you would try teaching me that. But I am open-minded, let's do it.) My boss says to me that I've done it before, he is sure. Ok, I believe he is sure, he must have confused me with somebody else, after all, there are plenty of us, I don't mind. But then, Boyfriend comes and says he also knows I've done it before. Now, really??? I am not saying I know everything, I am actually the one who claims that not knowing something is only natural and there is no shame to admit it, but if I say I had never-ever done that thing, I would expect you, the Boyfriend, to believe me.(also because unlike the Boss, you, the Boyfriend, know that I have a high Iq, so the chances for me to forget something I did are low.( I say low to sound modest, actually it is impossible for me to forget something I did.) To sum things up, what they told me was :"I know you've fillet tuna before!". What I heard was " I know you've climbed the Everest before. I know you won the lottery! I know you've had a threesome before." None of this really happened and each of it I would have remembered if they did happen.
     Stuff like this happen - they do happen and I can understand that if I am being asked twice if I did something  it's not like people think I am retarded, but it's because people want to make sure, I can understand that, maybe I also do that from times to times - but I am not perfect, so they really piss me off. I mean, how can you suggest that my car has that button and I don't know it, do I look like some sort of a blonde trophy wife who doesn't know the difference between a gear shifter and ...something else? Everytime I am in situation like this with Boyfriend, I ask him : "Do you think I am X?"(X being our co-worker who even though you teach/show/tell him something a tousand times, he still forgets it. Every goddamn time. No names, I am too poor for a law suit:D).
   Maybe this is just how people are, but I get really annoyed if you get into an argument with me about something I did or not. I don't like being told to do something a hundreed times. I don't have the patience to be told to do something even two times. Once is enough. Now - I am not saying I am perfect, I am not even saying I listen to everything everybody says to me, there are moments when someone is talking to me and I am in my own world and I fake the interest so well that the person who is talking doesn't even realize it. It is actually really hard for me to pay attention unless I am really interested. I am just like a child and I think what you have to say has to be more important than what the voices in my head have to say:D But when I do something, I am 100% there and I will never forget it. I will not even forget the day it happened, the hour, the temperature of the room and the people around me. I am not X.(but again, no one is like X.)
Ps: I am started to feel cozy on this blog, I am afraid I will start to really speak my mind. Then I will definitely get sued:D
   Click click click:D
