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Wuthering Heights

  I have read more books than most people I know, I have read far less books than I wished to. Than I could. Just like a traveler, I feel everything else besides seeing the world, its beauty and its beautiful people is a waste of time. Just like a traveler, I am drowning on dry land unless I learn about the world. Meet people. The means are different, yes, but it doesn't really matter, does it? How many times have you met a special friend in one of you journeys, friend that you might never see again and yet, forever to be present in your mind? How many times have you fallen in love with some stranger, stranger that felt like your better half more than anyone you have met before? How many nights have I dreamt that one day I will meet a man who will love me just like Heathcliff, how many days haven't I dreamt of being in Catherine's shoes? Always day dreaming of some book characters, always missing what I never had. Always wanting more, always crying when that last page is turned.
  But just like in real life, our luck is that a last page always means the begining of a new book. And then I wonder: would I really be happy if I were Catherine, Anna Karenina, Emma or Jane Eyre? It sure sounds awesome to be such an awesome character, but - just in Catherine's situation - would I be happy if I had a brutal rough love with a certain Heathcliff, if I were married with a boring guy like Linton and never meant to be with my true love? Would I be happy if my true love did so much harm to so many people, if my true love was so tormented by not being together that his soul would eventually turn black?
  The answer is no. Chaternie dies at the age of 20 something, miserable, making Heathcliff even more miserable, who will eventually make everyone else miserable. It makes me be grateful for what I have here and now. I may not have a boyfriend who has Heathcliff's madness, but he sure loves me as much. It makes me realise that life can be so much more and that, unlike my books, we can have a happy ending. It makes me realise that our lifes - here and now - are far more exciting than a book, that this "here and now" is nothing else than the adventure of your life. It makes me stronger. I will never kiss Heathcliff's burning lips, I might never lose my obsession with him, but I know now that I don't need a book to be happy. I don't need dreams, stories, mad men, nor shit lots of drama.
    I just need you.
