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Fixers and Doers

I have to admit: I am not a fixer. I could never assume the role of a fixer : if you tell me to do something from the very beginning, I will do more than a qualifed job. On the other hand, if you wait for me to come and fix other's failure, not only will I be completely annoyed, but I will also most likely do not a shitty, but a mediocre job. And you can call me many things, but mediocre is something I simply don't do.
  I am a doers. A dreamer and a doers; I am rebel, as my father liked to say everytime I didn't want to listen to his nonsense. I am smart, kind, willing to help everyone, I get mad fast, my heart breaks even when I think something bad might happen to someone that I truly dislike and, when I think about it, I never truly disliked anyone. I cry a lot, I am an attention seeker, obsessive compulsive, I am a maniac, I get depressed easily, I never tell lies and I am allergic to bullshit to a point that I cannot be nice if nice means dealing with bullshit; I am more than good at everything I do and ever done and the funny thing is that I recieved a lot this reaction : "omg, this is your first time when you're doing this, cause you sure are better than people who started months ago." From the first day. I am a doer and I tend to get involved to a point that hurts  and gets me out of energy. What I am definetely not is a fixer. Everytime a situation starts to stink, everytime things break, I tend to be the first one to leave the ship: from my experience, trying to fix broken things is pointless and a waste of time: not only things will never be the same, but you are also deceiving yourself trying to believe a broken thing can be fixed. Yes, it can be, but the scars will never heal and the situation will always be vulnerable. Now - with the risk of sounding like a cold blooded bitch, isn't it so much better to move on and put your energy and effort in a new thing rather that hoping for something that was never meant to be fixed?
  Just like in school when I was doing math exercises, everytime I got lost in one I would rather start the next similar one that trying to figure out the mistake. Just like when I was younger, trying to find a way out is still the first thing I do when things don't turn out the way I hoped they would. When people are not the way I wanted them to be. When they don't love me back. When they don't realize how much I love them. I guess that you could say I am running, I am always on a run and I wouldn't fight you on that; I could be a fixer if I wanted to, I could be a good one, but then why spend my life fixing others'mistakes when I could as well make my own?
