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The reason why I hate stupid people... because they do stupid things that shouldn't annoy me, but they do, because mother raised me to be too nice for this world. When I finish work, I put my backpack on the seat in front of me and I put my feet on the backpack. Only during summers, only on the backpack, my feet never touch the seat. I check from times to times and if a lot of people are getting in the train, I take my feet (and the backpack off.) I say I am more than civilized and I do spend around 12 hours per day standing, so I do it out of necessity. What a lady does today (after her dog kept on sniffing and licking us and I am really scared of dogs, so it wasn't a nice experience, but I said nothing) : when she gets up, she says: "you know - In Denmark, we don't sit like this!" and she left in a hurry, not being bold enough to let me reply :" my feet hurt really bad and they don't touch the seat, is it okay is Denmark for the backpack to stay on the seat?" Or "you know, where I come from, it's not okay for one's dog to lick another person." But no, she dropped it like a bomb and went home, telling probably to others her own version of the events, of how uncivilized people from southern Europe are. Aaaand this is what we become famous for...
  You know what the funniest thing is? All the time she's been on the train she sat right next to a Danish girl who had her feet directly on the seat, the whole ride.  Now - there will be drastic people who will see nothing in this story but my own fault for putting my backpack on the seat and then my feet on the backpack, but I am sure there must be people out there who share my point of view. No? No one?
  To sum up - I got pretty upset but - like Boyfriend said - I wouldn't probably be writing right now if it weren't for her. So, as they say, every kick in the ass is a nothing but a step forward, so I just have to keep on reminding myself that no matter what I do I will always be a foreigner and Danes will never truly like me. I mean - who can blame them, I don't truly like Danes living in my country ( I never met one, but I read one's blog.) I guess we are implemented from an young age a general inexplicable love to whatever belongs to us, as a nation and a general stupid hate to whatever comes from outside. Which is really just sad. And still not an explanation for stupid behavior...
