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My addiction

  For a reason I fail to see, people seem to find amusing the fact that I am flying through Poland in my way home. The funniest things I've heard have been: "Because there is such a long distance between Copenhagen and Bucharest that you really need to make a stop somewhere" or "They haven't heard of Romania in Copenhagen, that's why you need to stop in Warsaw?" Relax, people, it's not about the destination, it's about the journey. (And also about the fact that I am too young and poor to afford a ticket without a stop.)
I have no ideea what I want to write about, but otherwise I could make 100 posts - this is the only airport I have been into that hasn't transformed the simple and pure joy of wi-fi into business. Yet. So - due to lack of divine inspiration, but also to a burning desire to lay on the cold seats and not get up for at least 2 days, I've decided to share the story of how I've given up on coffee - that is, copy paste what I wrote a while ago.
My dad is a black belt martial artist enthusiastic, who understands the power of a proper diet (though he does ingest too much sugar, I would say) - therefore, he never had any addictions; never needed coffee whatsoever (only human I know of!!), nor did he ever smoke - as far as I know. I have never seen him drunk, though he does take that one glass of wine/day that it is said to be so miraculous after a certain age. (I do wish he understood there is no benefits for people my age, so he would just stop being so insistant. I remember when I was in college in Bucharest, he used to send me bottles of wine. During exams. Because this is exactly what young people do - drink one glass/day, not the whole bottle at once. :D) When I tell people that I have severe daddy issues, they immediatly assume: "Easthern Europe, your father must have been drunk all the time, beating the shit out of you while fucking other woman and your poor mother just watched!" Nothing of this ever happened. Nothing. But there are so many other ways in which a man (a father) can damage you permanently, don't you think so?
But this post was not meant to be about that; what I was trying to say was that until 2 years ago, I was just like that; making fun of people who rely on coffee. I remember when I started working, I took some extra shifts so I ended up working 9 days in a row. (A "day" has 10-12 at my work place.) Not because I was hungry for money, as they all assumed, not because there was something I wanted to prove to them; there was indeed something I wanted to prove to myself: that I still am that 7 years old girl who used to climb really high hills, during winter time, at -20 C, doing pretty hardcore military-like martial arts training sessions, for 3-4 hours, completely dehydrated, not allowed to have any water, not complaining for a second, because just a single tear would mean that the whole session would be started from scratch. So - I worked 9 days without a single drop of coffee and I didn't feel for a second like the dead-battery headless rabbit like I do now. After one hour of being awake. One hour of just lying in bed. 
  Due to the excruciating shoulder pain I felt lately, I went to see a doctor, who told me that I have a discopathy, but that I shall consider myself very lucky, because a discopathy in the thoracic region almost never leads to a herniated disc. He prescribed some random pills and advised to go swimming. Lovely. Then I drove like a maniac to make it to my homeopath appointment, which turned out to be surprisingly awesome - I have to admit, I've been having my doubts. If not for anything else, I got to share some feelings that really have been bothering me and I got to learn a couple of facts about nutrition. Win-win, right? Nevertheless, she did prescribed me some naturistic medicine to help my liver detox and to make me less - well - explosive :D. She sent me to a physiotherapist (my bad if I fail to spell these words properly, if you complain about my writing, then you should see me pronouncing them, your ears will bleed!) The phy-si-blablablabla did some magic with his hands, but also put my explosiveness on my zodiac sign :"You're a leo, it's too bad...for the other person!" Ayyyyyyyyy, sorry, hon', apparently I was born under twisted wicked stars!"
But - the  naturistic medicine she prescribed interacts with menthol, cocoa and coffee. So - I bought special toothpaste, without menthol, and special "coffee", called Inka - a Polish drink that looks like coffee, but doesn't have neither the taste, nor the so wanted effects of coffee. Not complaining, one is always better than none.

Today it's been 4 weeks since I've been "coffee sober" and I have to say it's so much easier than I thought it would be. And now I am falling asleep, so bye-bye! Gosh, how much I could use a coffee right now...

