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Top 7 things you should definitely do if you live in a godforsaken village in the 15 century

Basically - just a list of big DON'T's:
1. Stinking in public places. It's not my intention to be mean and I am not targeting homeless people either; If you have a beer in your hand, if you have a job or if you own an iThing and yet you stink, well,'s simply unacceptable. So, unless you have just finished the most hardcore training session ever or unless you are allergic to water and soap, it is a DON'T. 
2. Being explosive for no obvious reason. It's okay to have bad day, it's ok to be sensitive sometimes. But if you treat everyone around you like crap simply because: 1. You've got your period. 2. You didn't get enough sleep. 3. You haven't got enough vitamin S lately [if you know what I mean ;) ], then it shouldn't come as a shock if you happen to get exactly what you give. Karma's a bitch, isn't it? And bleeding for a couple of days/month is NOT a sickness, just to make things clear!
3. Saying/believing/implying that men deserve more respect than women, simply because they A certain "male person" told me once that I should listen to what he says and I should respect him because he's "THE MAN". ( I wrote "male person", because, you know how they say that having a penis doesn't necessarily make you a man?) So, unless you are a character in a Swedish fiction book, it's unacceptable to be a misogynist. (But seriously now, why do so many Swedish books have a plot around men who hate women? It kind of gives a creepy vibe to that country.) You might think that because I come from Eastern Europe, I must have been a victim to sexist remarks all the time, the truth is it wasn't until I came to Denmark that it happened. And due to my incredible intercultural competence (someone has been doing her homework, ha?), I let it go away without making any fuss out of it; until one day I got into a fight regarding that sexist bastard, I was amazed at how lazy he can be and the person I had an argument with accused me of "just being like everyone else, hating him without any apparent reason". That was the time I snapped and I told him "you know, he actually told me he's superior than me for the sole reason of having balls and I didn't tell anyone, because I can comprehend it must be difficult for him to change his mentality at this age, so don't serve the <<you hate him without reason>> bullshit, I can't possibly be more tolerant than this!"
4. Being late and this includes train and other means of public transport. By far, the most humiliating thing for me is being late and saying "ohh, it was the train" simply doesn't work for me; instead of saying that, I might as well just state that I am an irresponsible child who isn't able to manage her own time and was late because she had to finish watching her favorite Tom&Jerry episode!" no! If I want to be called an adult, I should know better than being late, regardless of stupid freaking train schedule, so you would think that paying what is a whole month salary in Romania for transport only should be sufficient in order to receive some punctuality! It turns out I just have to move to Japan! 
5. Playing the "I am minority, that's why you treat me so badly" card in a room full of ...well, minorities. 
6. Playing the "I am so much better and smarter and I deserve so much more respect than others because I have a degree." while actually being the more retarded person in the room. 
7. Playing the "I am minority, that's why you treat me so badly" card while being a misogynist. 
