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Love declaration no.2 : The post that might end up in me being hated by a lot of people

"What if I'm far from home?
Oh, brother I will hear you call."
    I love this song from Avicii, for a thousand resons and I particularly adore this two lyrics. The whole song makes me think about my little brother - I always wonder if I am still going to call him "little" when he is 10 cm taller than me. But he will always be almost 20 years younger than me, so who knows!!!
    Because I just listened to this song, I got a little bit sentimental, so I needed to say this on my blog: I LOVE YOU, YOU LITTLE MONSTER, MORE THAN ANYONE IN THIS WORLD!!!! Fuck, I sometimes even woder if I will ever be capable to have children of my own, if my whole sisterly/maternal love is already given to him!(because, let's face it, having a 19 years younger brother involves also some maternal love.)
  Now, I will tell you the story: I have been begging God for a little brother(note: it was always a brother, never a sister!) for 18 years when Mum gave me the big news. She was afraid - she said - that I might react like : "Wtf were you thinking to have a baby at the age of 42, people will laugh at us, people will always assume that I got pregnant and I gave the child to you, what a disgrace, blablablabla!!!". The facts are :1)I seriously couldn't care less about what people might think, since whole Romania looks like a 19th century village, where everyone's favorite hobby is to stuck their nose into others'businesses; I knew exactly that my Mum could have even taken them with her during the doctor sessions to see there is actually a baby inside her and they will still make scenarios into their sick minds; 2) I was that shy good kid that literally never asked for anything from her parents, except for a little brother; 3) I was too over the moon to even give a damn about what people say.
   And, man, how much bullshit I have heard during the past four years!!! It happened to me in parks, at restaurants, to just stop and hear people say: "Look, the grandparents(my parents!) are taking such good care of the baby, such a shame the mother is probably wiping off old ladys'asses in Italy!". "Hello there, nice meeting you too, I am the sister, those are the parents and we would really appreciate it if you just find something to do and stopped talking about us!!!".  Man, you should have seen their faces!
  I will give you this : My Dad is 51. It is definitely not common for a 51 years old man to have a four years old child, regarding also the fact that the wife is only 5 years old younger. We were raised in a country stuck really deep in a shit made out of comunist thinking and misunderstood religion, where everything out of the ordinary has to be bad, blamed, called witchcraft or the art of the devil. "Oh, you are left-handed, but why would you be left-handed, if 9 out of 10 people are right-handed, that means you have the devil inside you!!!!" Something like this was the mentality and after more than 20 years of so-called democracy, it still is.
 In Romania I have always received this uncalled-for feedback: I remember we got some meeting with my colleagues from junior high when mum ws pregnant and one of them actually said : "How can you be happy about this?? It is a nightmare, I would kill myself if I were you or I would tell your mum to have an abortion, it is such a shame to have a brother at 19!". The funny thing is that the guy who said this was one of the smartest. Even my
uncle - not just any uncle, but my mother's brother, had the same opinion as my colleague. Still uncalled-for. Even my grandmother said to my mum:" If I was still living in my village and I hadn't seen you pregnant, I would have never believed the child is yours and not Georgiana's."
  I have heard all kinds of bullshit that I started not giving a shit at all. If they want to fight with me about how they are sure Daniel is my son, not my brother, I will tell them ok, he is my son, now shut the fuck up! One day, someone was seriously giving me a hard time, insisting that they are sure I got pregnant and I just gave the child to my parents to raise him, so I told them: "You know, when my mom got pregnant, I was 18 and a half and I am not ashamed to admit I, like all the other girls at that age, was not a virgin anymore, but I am smart enough to know how to use a condom". Man, you should have seen the look on their faces! Priceless!
  On the other hand, I expect people in Denmark to have a more open-minded opinion about this and so far I wasn't disappointed. I tell them :"Omg, I love my little brother so much, he is so cute!" and they ask me :"How old is he?" . 4. Ok. Romanian people, why is it so  hard to get your heads out of your asses and start being just a little bit more open-minded? How can you guys be so stuck in the past to not realize that times are changing, to not realize that if your 18 years old girl is dating a 25 years old gipsy guy they are definitely having sex? Sorry, that might have been uncalled-for, but to be a man in your forties and dream about unicorns and rainbows is just ridiculous!
    Ps : Do I have to mention that for me he was such a priceless little baby that I was even afraid to touch him at first? Here's a picture from last year!
