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Not to talk to myself out loud, I write

    I am not, as I have said so many times before, a talker. I am a listener, if the subject holds any interest to me, if not, I will fake interest, because I am just too polite to say to the person: " Man, you have some serious issues, stop talking so much, otherwise my head will go bum-bum!". I am definitely a writer. It happened to me in my childhood that people thought I was either stupid or mute, because I didn't talk. It takes time for me to talk to you. If I start mocking you or making fun of you, that means I truly like you.(or I hate you, but I am too polite to say it:D).
   Since I am writer, I am a thinker. I recently talked to someone about work environment, and that person was telling me :"MAN, how awesome would it be if I worked at Google! Have you seen their facilities, they even have special places designed for workers to take a nap, how awesome is that??? That should be the greatest job in the world!". What did I answer to that person? Awesome, awesome, awesome. What did I really think? Well...
   The way I see things, the relationship between employees and employers is a mutual relationship of Give and Take. I think the primary cause why the work environment of so many companies is not a satisfying one is that employees fail to acknowledge that in order to receive something, they have to give back something else. It is that simple. As I have stated before, nowadays employees seem to lack a sense of responsability. How I see things: If a certain worker from a company with a nice, clean, open working environment like Google, has a terrible hungover, he will just go during lunch break and have a looong nap of three hours. No one will say anything about this, neither the bosses, nor the colleagues, but the employee will just stay three more hours at the end of the schedule to finish his/hers job, without complaining about it like an old lady. That employee will stay over schedule even on a day when he hadn't actually had any break at all, because he knows one day he will have more free time and everything will just be compansated. GIVE AND TAKE. That simple. The way most employees do things: OMG, we want larger breaks, more breaks, more money and we want it now! What??? Do you ask me to stay 15 minutes later this evening??? This is harassment, you must go to jail for this, I will call the Syndicate right away for this insult!!!!!"
   Now, I was seven when my parents started their own business, so I know some shit. I have seen what a so-called horrible boss looks like and also what an angel boss looks like. Without their knowledge, my parents have been playing good cop, bad cop since forever with their employees(also with their daughter, what can I say, daddy is some weird combination of Hitler and Stalin.) Even though I would probably make a terrible leader, since a certain part of being a manager bores me(like Mum, she does a lot of bills and shit lots of papers all day long, I do have the brain for it, but not the attention, I would rather just go and wipe off children's asses in India than being and accountant!!! I do plan to do some voluntary work in other countries after I reach 30, so I am not making any fun). On the other hand, I find people and the relationship between them fascinating, so I can't help but being disappointed by the lack of responsability that exists everywhere. Employees always want more and they are never willing to give. I think that a balanced working environment has to be created by both employers and employees; there is only this much an employer can make. If you are not willing to spend an extra 15 minutes from times to times, you are never going to get longer breaks; if you are not willing to learn, to show interest and to try to do your job as good as possible, how can you ask for further training? If you never show up when the boss asks you to, how can you be upset when they refuse you vacations or days off? If you don't take more responsability, if you don't learn new skills, how can you ask for a pay raise? If you are not willing to help your co-workers, how can you complain about a bad team work?
  All of these lead to a bad working environment. When I wrote this post, I didn't have in mind any particular company. I just have some incidents in mind, things that happened which made me think. One day, it was 10 minutes before 21, and I finished my shift at 21. I had an emergency to the toilet, so I went, I came back at almost 21, I clocked out(so  I won't receive extra money for nothing) and I spent ten more minutes working. I take only 20-25 minutes my lunch break, because I know  until before night break I will probably need to go pee one more time(what can I say, I pee a loooot.) I think I am a responsible worker. But I have seen so many examples of not so responsible workers(again, during the years, there have been hundreeds of people working for my parents, so I am not referring to the company I work for now.)
  To end things up, I feel the need to apologize for writing so much. I should probably work on my short stories, but time doesn't really allow me. If not for anyone else, I write for my baby or for Mother, who I know read me with pleasure. It's just there are so many topics on which I have so many opinions but when it comes to talking to someone, CAN I PLEASE HAVE A LAPTOP AND I WILL TYPE IT FOR YOU?!? I really love this quote(I also think it is sort of true):

“Writing is a socially acceptable form of schizophrenia.”

E.L. Doctorow
