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Second half of 2014's resolutions

    Because the first half of 2014 is already gone(times flies, doesn't it?), because soon I'm turning 1000 years old(today Boyfriend tells me:"I can't believe it's your birthday again! Poor thing, he makes me presents so often that it feels like everyday is my birthday!) and because the doctor told me that I might as well just be dead soon unless I radically change my lifestyle and I swallow 1 billion pills on a daily basis(it's really not that bad, I'm just such a biiiig baby, can you blame me?) I decided to make some resolutions for the second half of the year. Besides, people almost never keep their promises made on first of January(at least, I don't. And another 7 billion of the world's population don't, but, you know, people might feel offended when it's really not the case, as in "OMG, I totally love your humor, Georgiana, but sometimes it can hurt people's feelings, how can you say I didn't keep my New Year's resolutions, what is wrong with you, are you menstruating?!") So, pam-pam, let's do this:
  1. I really need to start a diet, not only to lose weight, but mostly to solve my gallbladder problems, which are, according to the doctor, really nasty. I am basically allowed to eat everything(everything out of : boiled chicken, boiled rice and all fruits and vegetables that don't ferment. Just bananas. A lot of bananas. And more bananas.)
2. I need to work out more, not necessary in the classic meaning, but in the general idea of more movement. Since it's summer. Long romantic walks. Running for your life to catch the train when you are late. Or running for your life so 20 street dogs don't bite your ass. You see? There is a positive side to living in Romania, I knew it!
3. I will swear less. Fuck, man, I started to swear really bad and I don't talk about English words, those are just fine. I mean, swearing in my language. I will try to substitute them with, let's say, their equivalent in another language, let's say Danish.[...typing weird nasty words/expressions into Google translate, from English to Danish, grabing some popcorn...]
4. I will try to be a better person and the first step will be not donating my entire fortune/blood/organs to poor people, but trying to be more loose. I have come to the conclusion that being too stressed might cause people around me also being stressed, and that might result in me being even more stressed, and so on, just like a circle. And in order to be more relaxed, I will need to...
5. Stop being 100% involved in everything I do all the time. Repeat after me, Georgiana: It doesn't always have to be your fault, if a bomb detonates somewhere, it is definitely not something you said or did; it is not because the terrorist came by and didn't like the sushi you made and he was so upset afterwards; For Christ's sake, be a mature girl and accept you cannot do everything by yourself, therefore you cannot take responsability for everything that goes wrong!
6. Go to church more often. At least one more time until next Easter.
7. Work less.
8. Do more cleaning and cooking, realise 23 is a realistic age to start at least feeding yourself!
9. Be more patient and nicer to people around me.(don't get me wrong, if you reach level 100000 retard, I will reach level 1000000000 angry, I ain't planning on becoming Mother Teresa!)
10. Use more time to take care of yourself.
11.Use the bed more for sleep and love making, less for watching TV shows.
12. Talk more often to Mommy. Man, I hate talking on the phone!!!
13.Talk at least one time on the phone with Daddy before I see him again.
13.Be more ZEN. Wtf is that supposed to mean?
14.Shop more often. And not only books.
16.Relax harder.
   Basically, I need to relax. BIG TIME. It's not about the fact that I have a lot of stress in my life - because I don't - it's about me creating the stress, by being always too focused. Chill, baby. Take a deep breath. Don't take everything so serious. Enjoy life. Be young. Be beautiful. Be wild. YOU DESERVE IT!
