I had today an intense conversation with my mum and my aunt about Mr. Right and men in general and, as it usually happens, good thoughts come only after the discussion is over. Since I find men quite a controversial and interesting topic, I will take this post to write my reflections on men and relationships. 1. First and most important - NEVER CHASE A MAN! I can't emphasize enough how many tears and how much wasted time this rule saves you from. I know - you are probably like myself: one of those girls who have been told all their lifes by their mothers/teachers/shrinks/glossy magazines,etc that they could persue everything they want, that the sky is not the limit. Follow your dream wherever it may lead you, right? Or, like one of my favorite songs says, dream on, dream on, dream on, dream until your dreams come true!!! Set high expectations, never settle for less, you can get everything that you want! I truly appreciate mothers who raise their daughters like this, witho...