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Showing posts from September, 2014

Impossible love stories

  I had today an intense conversation with my mum and my aunt about Mr. Right and men in general and, as it usually happens, good thoughts come only after the discussion is over. Since I find men quite a controversial and interesting topic, I will take this post to write my reflections on men and relationships. 1. First and most important - NEVER CHASE A MAN! I can't emphasize enough how many tears and how much wasted time this rule saves you from. I know - you are probably like myself: one of those girls who have been told all their lifes by their mothers/teachers/shrinks/glossy magazines,etc that they could persue everything they want, that the sky is not the limit. Follow your dream wherever it may lead you, right? Or, like one of my favorite songs says, dream on, dream on, dream on, dream until your dreams come true!!!   Set high expectations, never settle for less, you can get everything that you want! I truly appreciate mothers who raise their daughters like this, witho...

Crossing personal boundaries: how Danish I am!

  Yesterday I felt tired like never before; the day before I had a 12 and a half hour shift and then I had to wake up early in the morning to study. ( note to myself: apply for SU, it is almost impossible to be a full time student and also work 30 hours/week.) After school I went to work and the very first thing I hear is "Georgiana is very mad at me because I am making rolls." I mean - WTF?!?! I started shaking instantly and I asked Boyfriend: " ce mama ma-sii e asta?" , which basically means What the fuck is this? He told me what he always does when it is about this girl - take it easy, you know she got some issues - well, honey, the thing is when I feel my privacy is violated I turn into the most insane woman ever!   Do you know how they say about Danes that they are by far the most closed, private and introverted people there is in the world? Well - I wasn't aware of that until recently and frankly I was quite surprised. Foreigners are having a hard time t...

"I tried carrying the weight of the world...

   ... but I only have two hands."        Since a lot has changed in my life lately - I guess I have used this sentence way too often, well, yes, everything is continuously changing all over the world, we are after all living in the "speed era" - I am of course entitled to write a post about it, right? You might find it is awkward that I write posts about my personal life, but I don't : Every where you go, people's favourite topic is the same : themselves! I guess all of you have experienced at some point that, as a curtosy, you ask someone how they had been doing lately (or sometimes you don't even ask anything!) and you are being forced to listen to a fairytale for the next hour because you are too kind to ask them to get a shrink. The positive thing about this blog entry is that you can actually "shut" me up whenever you feel like it and I won't even get pissed about it! (it's not like won't show me exactly where you ...

What I have learned from the most fucked-up work day ever

I am usually reticent about writing about my work on my blog, I normally have this awesome word document where I write what I like to call "my book on the kitchen", but today was a truly distinct day from which I have learned things about myself that really amazed me. So - let's begin, shall we?   1. There is no such thing as an inevitably fucked up situation. There are of course all kinds of fucked up, from "little stressful" to "fucking fucked up", yet there are a few things in this world that can't be repaired and a baaaad working day is definetely not one of those things. So - drink some water, swear a lot ( preferably in your own language), take a couple of deep breaths and do what you do best.   2. I can be a an excellent fixer, so what I wrote about myself only a couple of days ago is therefore invalid. I am a doer, a thinker, a dreamer and a fixer. 3. You - my girl - are an wonderful creature, never-ever doubt that again! I am thrilled ...

How to deal with introverts: A five steps guide for dummies*

      First step : Who are they and where do we find them?    If you enter a room - for example, a school room - you will see people socializing with each other. Small or bigger groups being loud and among these groups you will see infiltrated one person staying alone, probably not talking with anyone.  These people will be either reading a book,using their mobile phones or simply smiling, practicing some nervous habbit ( like bitting one's nails) while listening to the other groups. From my experience I would say that two out of 10 people are introverts and you will find these people spread among the groups, not with each other, at least at the beginning.     Step number two : What exactly are these weirdos?  Well, firstly they are not weirdos and they definetely don't like being called/treated as such. During my first high shcool semester, my so-called class master was very worried about me, telling my mother that I hated people and th...


I woke up this morning with a sore throat, a partial stuffy, partial running nose, a stiff neck, a mild headache, the feeling of emptiness inside and a broken heart. I got out of bed and the first thought was: how silly was I not to have learned yet that trying to hurt people will result in me being hurt the most, will make me feel like I have a huge hole inside me, like I am running out of air. So I wonder: perhaps my cold symptoms are just a projection of my hurt inner self, perhaps if you feel rotten inside ( like I do) it will more than show on the outside. So, in my desperate attempt to rather heal a broken heart than make amends, I will take my time to apologize to: that waiter in Rome who I might have offended by asking the change, to my mother, to whom I said when I was 15 that it was high time to stop holding hands; it was the stupidest thing, I still hold hands with her now; to my little brother, because when he was a baby and I was still living with my parents, I spent time ...