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What I have learned from the most fucked-up work day ever

I am usually reticent about writing about my work on my blog, I normally have this awesome word document where I write what I like to call "my book on the kitchen", but today was a truly distinct day from which I have learned things about myself that really amazed me. So - let's begin, shall we?
  1. There is no such thing as an inevitably fucked up situation. There are of course all kinds of fucked up, from "little stressful" to "fucking fucked up", yet there are a few things in this world that can't be repaired and a baaaad working day is definetely not one of those things. So - drink some water, swear a lot ( preferably in your own language), take a couple of deep breaths and do what you do best.
  2. I can be a an excellent fixer, so what I wrote about myself only a couple of days ago is therefore invalid. I am a doer, a thinker, a dreamer and a fixer.
3. You - my girl - are an wonderful creature, never-ever doubt that again! I am thrilled  to notice that what was once my limit now it has become routine; I am happy to say that I have overcome my own boudaries in such a matter that I truly feel limitless.
4. Love yoursel and when I say "love yourself" I truly mean it!!! Love yourself in every single way, remember you are beautiful, you are wonderful, you are an unique combination of qualities and faults that makes you amazing!
5. ...which leads us here. Mother told me that recently my little brother said to her : " dad always says "good job" to me, why he never said that to Georgiana???"( apparently he heard us once talking about this and he remembered! He's 4!!!!!) I was in many ways an exceptional kid, I did things some people have never dreamed to do in their lifes, yet I never heard "good job". Well - I say to you today, beautiful girl - it's time to overcome your daddy issues and be truly awesome! It's time you turned from a victim into a winner! Forget about your father - he did what he believed was best and even though his "best" was the worst thing ever happening to you, it is only up to you what happens from now on. Draw a line and say enough! You know you are freaking good,  they know you are freaking good, there is no need for ass-kissing, is there? Stop looking for attention and, more important, stop seeking validation from people around you. It is only up to you if you choose to be defined by your daddy issues or by your wonderful qualites.
6. Love people, no matter how they work! What if you have to fix their mistake? Maybe at some point they fixed yours. Or maybe one day you will also need help in a way or another. What I have learned  so far from this messed up life is that the universe has a funny way of "recycling": what goes around will definetely come around one day, in a form or another. Now don't you believe I am nice to people because I am afraid of something called karma. Nothing like that. I am kind and helpful for the same reason why I am mean and angry sometimes: I love you guys all, I am madly in love with each one of you!!!
7. Most important: love life! The sad reality is that unlike jobs, money, friends, men, you only get one life! Appreciate and cherish your life, make it matter in a way or another, do what pleases you, yet educate yourself to become better each day. To learn something new, to become stronger. I am proud to say that today I am stronger than ever before.
  Now a quote from one of my favourites books, I relate a lot to this quote, I genuinely love people :
"Don't ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody."
  And a second quote from the same awesome book:
  "Anyway, I keep picturing all these little kids playing some game in this big field of rye and all. Thousands of little kids, and nobody's around - nobody big, I mean - except me. And I'm standing on the edge of some crazy cliff. What I have to do, I have to catch everybody if they start to go over the cliff - I mean if they're running and they don't look where they're going I have to come out from somewhere and catch them. That's all I do all day. I'd just be the catcher in the rye and all. I know it's crazy, but that's the only thing I'd really like to be."
