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"I tried carrying the weight of the world...

   ... but I only have two hands."

       Since a lot has changed in my life lately - I guess I have used this sentence way too often, well, yes, everything is continuously changing all over the world, we are after all living in the "speed era" - I am of course entitled to write a post about it, right? You might find it is awkward that I write posts about my personal life, but I don't : Every where you go, people's favourite topic is the same : themselves! I guess all of you have experienced at some point that, as a curtosy, you ask someone how they had been doing lately (or sometimes you don't even ask anything!) and you are being forced to listen to a fairytale for the next hour because you are too kind to ask them to get a shrink. The positive thing about this blog entry is that you can actually "shut" me up whenever you feel like it and I won't even get pissed about it! (it's not like won't show me exactly where you are and how many minutes you have spent on my page, it's just that I will pretend I am not a freak who wants to know exactly who has read me.) Another aspect I was "made" aware of these past days : "verba volant, scripta manent", in plain English "Words fly, writings remain", I tend to disagree. If you tell me you can easily erase something that was said (unlike the written thing), that means your memory needs to be checked up. Yes, the latin saying is applicable, but only for larger periods than a lifetime: It doesn't really matter whether you tell me something by words or by writing, it will have the same impact on me and on my life; if you write to me, I will have a paper; If you talk to me, I will have a mental recording until I die and I don't even call my memory excellent, I just call it "correct" - there is so much space in there, amigo, that if you learn to use it right, it can become your most trustworthy friend. Or your worst enemy, sometimes there are things we all wish we had a magic wand to erase them. So - speaking, writing, video/audio recording, skyping, chatting, whatever - it's not really about the mean, but about the message and how it can change everything.

     Things I have been doing lately that I am really proud of:

   Firstly - I have started a new study programme and I absolutely ADORE it! A D O R E it! I have never felt this way about any other study programme and everybody knows I've been having a tendency to be kind of slutty when it came to bachelor programmes. ( doing too many, commited to none.) Well - things have changed now - Aleluiah!

    Secondly - we have finally managed to move to a bigger apartment - and I don't even know whether it's appropiate to call this one an apartment since it is more like a house! Imagine, honey, 120 square meters all for us, how lovely that is??(Over the past years I have been listening to a looot of people braging about their new places, why should I be any different or why should I be ashamed that I'd rather do it in writing than face to face? I shouldn't and I am not. Do you have something against my writing? Aa...why are you still here then??!)

   Thridly, I have been socializing a lot lately, even though for other people it might seem that I am not being that social. Well - when it comes to the so-called "energy line", I tend to get pretty close to 100% introversion, any form of socializing is hard job for me, sometimes even talking about my day with fiance can be challenging. So - I take baby steps and I am proud of myself!

   Moreover : I haven't really watched any television since I started school two weeks ago, except for some half an hour master chef before sleeping. I eat less hazardous, even though not even close to my ideal - baby steps also on this one.

    Things I have been doing lately that I am truly ashamed of:

  What do you think, just because I have a blog, I am a desperate female who wants to wash her private underwear in public?!? :-)

    Things I need to squeeze in:

  No doubt, I am a busy girl. 30 hours/week work and another 35-40 studying make up for up to 70 hours of "work". ( when I tell my co-workers that I go 4 hours per day to school, they think I have such a nice schedule, but the truth is all I do in the rest of the time when I am neither at work nor at school is reading. Reading, reading, reading!) Nevertheless, it is imperative for me to squeeze in two things in my schedule: sport and sex. When I say sport, I don't mean preparing for marathons or joining a club, I rather mean movement: half an hour slow running or even fast walking should be enough for my needs. And what exactly are my need right now? I need to do something to get my back better, the pain in my upper back has been killing me for days and spending half of my time sitting and half of my time standing, without any real movement, can be the cause. So - more movement, honey! :-)

I am awesome and who dares to say anything different, well, it's their right to express themselves, right? :-) What I know is: I am older, wiser and more grateful each day, I have the most awesome future husband ever, I have the most awesome mother, brother, aunt si little cousin ever and I will kick your ass if you only suggest that I shouldn't exercise my human right to express myself in writing :-)  Things I don't know : anything else except. Except. That's it, I will leave this sentence unfinished only to show you that when it comes to paper, I am a god and I do whatever I want. :-) Seriously now - why do you keep on "listening" to me if you hate it?? Just go produce some kids. Or whatever is it that you do best :D
