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Showing posts from 2015

Fifty Shades of Georgiana, my personal Bible and (why not) my anthem, as an outsider.

  You told me Boulevard of Broken Dreams was the freaking anthem for outsiders. I got a bit pissed, showed you the middle finger, but then, I had no other choice than admit to myself - yes, I have always been an outsider.    People think I am taking pride in being an outsider and they couldn't be more right. We talk about gay and gay pride - how pride and happy and joyful gay people were when they finally felt free to come out of the closet. Similar to that, we have "introversion pride" - when, for your whole your life, people made you feel ashamed for prefering to be alone or with a small group of friends than surrounded by many unknown people and then, all of a sudden, everyone acknowledges introverts, you take pride in that. Yes, I am an introverted - no, it does not mean I hate people, nor does it mean I am shy. What it means is that, despite learning a lot from and also enjoying to some extent social interactions, we, introverts, unlike extroverts, recharge our ene...

"Things happen - it's all they ever do."

   Man, 2015 was a really peculiar year and I haven't even managed to make my resolutions! (Yes, I, too, suffer from the chronic disease most youth do - procrastination!) Well,this year has truly been unique. Today, I was reading an article entitled "25 things that you must do before turning 25" and the person who wrote it mentioned that their worst year ever was when they were 23. For me, it's 24. I am 24 years old and I've never been more lost in my entire life. I am 24 years old and you would think I would have (at least, some of) my shit together by now, but no! The beginning of this year caught me engaged, ready to get married - now I am lost, clueless, single, alone, homeless, broke. And it's not even December yet. God knows what December might bring.  One thing I learned from this year is that expectations almost never turn into reality . I am not saying it's something wrong with setting goals - we all need some purpose in this life, we cannot go ...

How to be SINGLE, for morons

  How to recover after you had your heart broken - how to be SINGLE, for morons. 1. Run. I run like a freaking maniac, every day breaking records. I run on rain, I run on snow - as long as there is someone screaming in my ears, I keep on going. 2. Eat. I nurture myself with lots of good, delicious, healthy, but mostly unhealthy foods. Whenever one of my friends asks me what is happening with me, I simply answer that I ran a lot, so now I must eat, I don't want to lose any of my precious kilos, it's all about balance, right?! 3. Sleep. Guilt-free sleep is a luxury I rarely afford - nevertheless, these days I sleep. All the time, I close my eyes and I let my mind do the trick for me and make my life prettier. 4. Drink a glass of wine with the good food you are preparing for yourself. You obviously deserve it, but don't do vodka shots! Forgetting all about it for one night sure sounds tempting, but remember you have to wake up in the morning to the same ugly truth. Better ...

Tangled Souls

   Do you remember the guy that made you smile every day until you just woke up one morning and realized it was simply not enough?  Do you remember the one that got away?  Do you remember the boy with gray eyes?    I have come to realize that we are the generation that doesn't know how to grow up. We are the "forever childish"  generation; not that it is something wrong with that -  if only we stopped tricking ourselves into thinking it's a conscious choice,  if only we were able to admit that we have no idea whatsover how to become adults!    But I cannot lie to myself anymore,  nor can I drag this on forever.  I am no longer a child,  neither are you -  despite how much you would like to be!  I know,  my friend,  it's a terryfing truth I am telling you and you might choose to deny it with a bad joke and a loud laugh,  as you've done so many times before,  but the truth remains the tru...

Miros de urina. (Baiatul cu ochii gri.)

     Miros de urina       Mi-am amintit recent de primul barbat cu care am facut dragoste...Era frumos, masculin, cu parul ciufulit si ochii gri. Da, avea ochii gri. Nu caprui, nu negri. Erau gri, inexpresivi si lipsiti de viata. Nu am crezut atunci si nici macar acum nu cred ca omul acela era pamantean. Cu siguranta trebuie sa fi venit dintr-un alt Univers.    Era vara si erau zilele orasului...Oamenii se imbulzeau cu totii peste tot-copiii vroiau vata de zahar si porumb fiert, jucarii de prost gust, luminite de tot felul, care se stricau imediat dupa ce le cumparai...Adultii, minoritatea venisera acolo pentru copiii lor, iar majoritatea stateau in grupuri mari, fumau, se imbatau si injurau domnisoarele care treceau pe acolo. Am in minte atat de clara imaginea acelor zile de parca totul s-ar fi intamplat chiar ieri. De fapt si acum, dupa atatia ani, este exact la fel.    Dar atunci eram cu tata...El se intalnise cu un cuno...

About a special boy and all the other special billions of boys out there.

  As we were discussing Socrate's Allegory of the cave in class, a thought made its way into my mind : The only thing I have seen all my life are distorted shadows. Information can be found anywhere, yet we rely more on Google than on our fellow humans; People are talking louder than they ever did, yet we are deafer than we ever were; You can see your family right in your hand, on your smartphone, but you end up kissing the air at the end of the conversation; People are rushing all the time to go to their jobs and then they are rushing again to go home and get some rest, because they have a job to go to in the morning. When everything is speeding so much, how often do you actually make time to stop and truly look someone in the eyes, how often do you actually hold someone's hand without thinking of important things you have to do later on? If I don't have time to truly see you for what you are, if you don't have time to stop from rushing and stand in front of me compl...

The one thing I can't tolerate

  One of the biggest cliche I have come across is the so-called "taste in men". If you are a passionate about women's magazines as I was years ago, when I would devour each one of them, you definitely came across a lot of articles and pop-quizzes revolving across the big Subject: MEN. They would basically ask you "MEN. How do you like them?", as if they were your steak, not humans. "How do you like your man, rare or well-done?" Today I finished my very first motivational book - I used to be this cool rebel girl who would do exactly the opposite to other females, such as writing until my hands hurt instead of gossiping with girlfriends, having all my room covered in rock artists posters instead of day-dreaming about Justin Bieber or whoever was the Justin Bieber of our time; being a voracious thriller reader while making fun of silly girls who read books about how to improve your life; driving like a freaking maniac, totally disregarding the dangers ...

11 words of wisdom from a very wise 24 years old girl.

I was looking for lists -  lists of things a girl should have learnt or done before hitting the critical age of 24 ( I'm not a girl,  not yet a woman,  right?  :D)  After looking for,  like,  2 infernally long minutes ( God,  give me patience!!!),  I've decided to do what I (at least,  once!) used to do best: write! So,  here's a a list of things I learnt or mastered by now: 1. Accept yourself. Love yourself.  It's not a clichee,  really.  I once accepted the challenge of having to pick 2 words that I would say to my younger self,  if I could.  The first thought was: Accept yourself. Had I known when I was a teenager that I would never become the awesome girl that I am today by trying to be someone else,  it could have saved me a lot of trouble and wasted time.  Be yourself and help yourself become the person you were meant to be. Don't worry if my words don't make sense now: it is the kind of ...

Three days detoxing diet

Beginning.  Uoooops, I did again: I woke up with the most annoying sore throat ever, a partially running/partially stuffy nose and the voice of freaking Darth Vader. But that didn't even happen this morning, so let's rewind it a little bit until Monday morning.  Monday morning we had a 7 hours, home-written exam for the third module. People who don't know what this is about and who grew up in countries where there is no other way than torturing people by letting them sweat their asses off in class for three hours, might be tempted to say "wtf??? Exam from home? Piece of cake!" I say to them, let's open our minds a little bit and realize that being able to memorize hundreds of pages by heart not only is not healthy for the mind, but it also has little practicability in real life and real jobs. When I was in law school we had to memorize laws by heart and we would point to the irony that real-life judges tend to check their books and codes, even in court. Wh...

I suffer from a dreadful condition

 Some are forever optimists and they get hurt countless of times; their tears burn their cheeks, the fall hurts like hell every time, but, almost intantly, they somehow manage to get back on their feet and do everything all over again, as if the fall simply took their memories away and they can't remember how badly they were hurt. In a way, they remind me of me when I was a child: I was so clumsy that I managed to fall every other 5 minutes. It was really bad, I would irremediably damage at least one pair of pants every day. I was, as some would say, the girl with two left feet. ( or, in my case, the girl with two right feet - since I am a leftie.)   Some are pessimists and see the worst in every situation. They always expect for shit to happen, but make no mistake: this characteristic wasn't born out of too many disappointments, it is rather an inborn feature of these individuals, a protective attribute with which some were born. As odd as this might seem, pessimists are th...

About this particular Sunday.

  I totally love, adore and worship Sundays. [ And now it's the moment when people who know me well are convinced I was being sarcastic and they refuse to believe me, no matter how much I try to persuade them. Has it ever happen to you too? I say one cute small phrase filled with joy and happiness and  my beloved ones simply refuse to believe that I can do "happiness", should I be worried that they don't believe I can be a regular girl who's in love with Teddy Bears and the color "pink"?]    But I do love Sundays, I feel this is one of life's pleasure: to be able to take things slow for a day, read a good book near the window, while the shy spring sun warms my hair. So - since I am a "list" girl, I will make a short list of reasons why I am irremediably in love with Sundays.   1. Don't have to be anywhere.   Except for when it happens to work, I usually don't have to leave the house. I can spend all day long in my cozy pajamas ...

Learning to take it easy.

   I was reading  this article , when this particular phrase hit me: You have to respect who you are, what you're capable of, and what you're not.   Not necessary the whole sentence, but rather the last part: You have to respect what you're not. To be honest, I never thought of it that way, though it makes perfect sense, in terms of having to accept yourself just the way you are and embrace the idea that real lifetime changes can be made only at a very slow, but steady pace, but then again, am I not the girl who wasn't familiar with moderation until recently?   It so happened that, exactly while I was reading this article, one sweaty, exhausted boyfriend texted me from the gym, telling me he feels tired. Brief history? Boyfriend and I used to have kind of really unhealthy eating pattern in general, but also some short periods when we would be extremely interested in fitness. This vicious circle of fluctuations  ended in September, when I started to actua...

Not in the mood.

  Have you ever had one of those days when enough is no longer enough and you simply cannot find within yourself the patience to take another step?   People say life is all about strength - that only the strongest manage to succeed; I say that, at the end of the day, it all counts down to whether you were patient enough to go through all the routine or you got lost in it. Have you ever had one of those days when you dislike yourself beyond belief? Have you ever had one of those days when you hate everything about you: your damaged hair, your weight, the shitty way you speak English, your shiness, your stubborn  introversion, the stupid social anxiety, the incapability to finish things, your writing? Have you ever had one of those days when you just wish you were normal and you start speaking, like normal people do, instead of hiding behind the cold keyboard?   Have you ever had one of those days when someone will tell you there is nothing wrong with your way of be...

You know you're in Romania when...

1. Each driver thinks they are the One and Only; best driver on Earth, a character from NFS and Vin Diesel altogether. 2. They will honk at you either for being a woman, a pedestrian or for daring to apply the correct rules while in roundabouts, on the very principle: "if you don't have balls, you simply shouldn't be allowed to drive and roundabouts have no rules other than only the strongest survive." 3. There are 15 degrees at the beginning of March. 4. You pay 25 euros for a 2 courses meal for 2 people and you think it's expensive. Because you know that if you had lived here, that 25 euros would have meant more than one tenth of your salary. 5. The simple state of being a pedestrian implies serious risks at every step you take. Every time you are planning to cross the street, you need to make sure your will is up to date, you have confessed to a priest recently, you don't hold any grudges against anyone and you have eaten a consistent portion of your fa...

My addiction

  For a reason I fail to see, people seem to find amusing the fact that I am flying through Poland in my way home. The funniest things I've heard have been: "Because there is such a long distance between Copenhagen and Bucharest that you really need to make a stop somewhere" or "They haven't heard of Romania in Copenhagen, that's why you need to stop in Warsaw?" Relax, people, it's not about the destination, it's about the journey. (And also about the fact that I am too young and poor to afford a ticket without a stop.) I have no ideea what I want to write about, but otherwise I could make 100 posts - this is the only airport I have been into that hasn't transformed the simple and pure joy of wi-fi into business. Yet. So - due to lack of divine inspiration, but also to a burning desire to lay on the cold seats and not get up for at least 2 days, I've decided to share the story of how I've given up on coffee - that is, copy paste what...

Top 7 things you should definitely do if you live in a godforsaken village in the 15 century

Basically - just a list of big DON'T's: 1. Stinking in public places. It's not my intention to be mean and I am not targeting homeless people either; If you have a beer in your hand, if you have a job or if you own an iThing and yet you stink, well,'s simply unacceptable. So, unless you have just finished the most hardcore training session ever or unless you are allergic to water and soap, it is a DON'T.  2. Being explosive for no obvious reason. It's okay to have bad day, it's ok to be sensitive sometimes. But if you treat everyone around you like crap simply because: 1. You've got your period. 2. You didn't get enough sleep. 3. You haven't got enough vitamin S lately [if you know what I mean ;) ], then it shouldn't come as a shock if you happen to get exactly what you give. Karma's a bitch, isn't it? And bleeding for a couple of days/month is NOT a sickness, just to make things clear! 3. Saying/believing/implying that m...

I am "optimistic Georgiana" today

Boyfriend's horrible noises woke me up at 7; he almost puked his soul out and it was, of course, all because of my cooking. (what can I, I cannot be smart, funny, cute, sexy and also a good old style wife!) I was tired, but not that much; recently, I have given up Coffee completely and it's like I've finally been truly awake for the first time in years. (This feeling of well being happened after horrible withdrawal sympthoms which I don't wish even to my worst enemy to experience). Boyfriend said perhaps they would ask me to come to work today. No freaking way, I am a student, I couldn't, even if I wanted, there is only this much I can work. Hm. are going to be fucked, aren't they? Hm...ok,ok, I'll go, don't have to get down on your knees now !!! I swear, there are days when there is nothing I despise more than my hero complex. Help them all, be a good samaritan while secretly pray to God there will be no one there to tell you that you ac...