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Showing posts from 2014

The life of a NOT cool girl

“Men always say that as the defining compliment, don’t they? She’s a cool girl. Being the Cool Girl means I am a hot, brilliant, funny woman who adores football, poker, dirty jokes, and burping, who plays video games, drinks cheap beer, loves threesomes and anal sex, and jams hot dogs and hamburgers into her mouth like she’s hosting the world’s biggest culinary gang bang while somehow maintaining a size 2, because Cool Girls are above all hot. Hot and understanding. Cool Girls never get angry; they only smile in a chagrined, loving manner and let their men do whatever they want. Go ahead, shit on me, I don’t mind, I’m the Cool Girl. Men actually think this girl exists. Maybe they’re fooled because so many women are willing to pretend to be this girl. For a long time Cool Girl offended me. I used to see men – friends, coworkers, strangers – giddy over these awful pretender women, and I’d want to sit these men down and calmly say: You are not dating a woman, you are dating a woman who ...

My school colleagues, Christmas eating patterns and X-mas tree.

Since soon it's Christmas and I will be with my family for Christmas for the first time since 2010 when little brother was a sweet little alien who couldn't even see things clearly, I decided to write a post about what happened in my life lately. Not that people are really interested in my freaking boring life as an introverted, but maybe my humor will make you, guys, smile. :) Things that happen on a daily basis and I am really grateful for: SMILES!!! Of course, I have colleagues with whom I haven't spoken yet (and probably won't for a couple more months when I'll be comfortable enough and I won't shut up!), but they are all so sweet and they smile at me all the time, without telling me that I must hate people for being so quiet or calling me a weirdo for not enjoying parties - I am truly thankful for that, thank you, guys! I mean - when I am being approached, my mind reacts really strange: if I don't feel truly comfortable with you, I will go like bla b...

Mr. Dumb and Mrs. Dumber.

  * caution, this post may contain traces of obscene language!     When I simply feel too exhausted to read or even to watch a movie, yet too high on coffee to get some valuable sleep, I indulge myself with reading some of the posts on the forum "Romanians in Denmark". I used the word "indulge" because I shouldn't do it; after a good laugh, my childish inner self starts feeling miserable.    So - except the rare extraordinary times when we bond together to start a freaking Revolution, we really don't like each other that much. It seems like when we have finally found a person that all of us hate the most - in this particular case, the Prime Minister, we are more united than we've ever been and we turn all of a sudden into the most consolidated nation, on the very principle " My enemy's enemy is my friend."  Unfortunately, this is not how things stand in general. That being said - this post is not about my personal feelings, but some obs...

16.11. The day we wrote history.

   Habemus presidentum , but that's not really a new thing, right? We have been having presidents since 1947 when our last king was forced to flee...   What has changed is that this one is supposed to be completely different and he is expected to change everything for the better. Yay!    If you ask me - I wouldn't have given him much hope. In the first election tour, he got only around 30% of the votes, so you can understand my position. I said he has no chance, that's it, maybe in 2019, perhaps 2024...When did I become such a cynic, I have no idea.   But then - I have read some things last night that made me feel ashamed of my previous position. Romanians in France, Italy have spent up to 10-12 hours outside in the cold, in the rain so they could exercise their constitutional right to vote...In Paris and in Turin they were thrown at tear gases... In Denmark they have traveled up to 500 km just to vote...In some countries they were kicked out of the emb...

How I became cynic.

At this point in my life - and now I will just use something I saw on Facebook, so no copy rights here - if it doesn't make me happy or if it doesn't bring me money, I will simply not make time for it. To add up, if it's not an investment in my future, I will just say "pass". I have changed a lot and it makes me laugh; from the totally selfless person I used to be, I am on my way into becoming a cold hearted bitch. I used to be young and silly and I used to believe in an unrealistic thing called "karma" and in another fairytale called "afterlife". What goes around, comes around , but the obvious question made its way into my mind :"What am I actually planning on doing? Just give, give, give, praying for it to come around?" I am still young, yet no longer silly. Not that silly, anyways. Now I have realized "karma" is just a concept invented by some people to explain their misfortune. I am just saying that we are too small to...

Before the exam

   Last night I couldn't really sleep. I was tired, yes, but do you ever have one of those nights when your body is tired but the voices in your head are not? =D   So I went downstairs, sit on the couch, surfing freaking Facebook. I mean - I know it was a total waste of time, it wasn't anything that interesting anyways, but what else to do at 3 o'clock? My urge was, of course, to start frantically re-reading everything for the exam, but I knew it wasn't going to help; I have enough school experience to know by now that nothing good comes from trying to - you know - fatten the pork right before Christmas Eve?! No, you don't know, right? This is a cute little Romanian means to bone up.   The thing about me - my two worst fears are dogs and darkness and here I was, alone in the dark. (I mean - if you still can call it darkness with three lights on:D) Sleep tight, sweet girl, will ya??  I woke up at 7:30?!, when one cute boyfriend kissed me goodbye ...

Things Romanian have a hard time understanding. Part 2

1. Dating an older man. When they learn that a young girl is dating an older man - by "they", I mean older generations, but not only - they literally freak out. They get shocked, take it as an offense to whatever "normal" means, as an attack to moral values. They do not accept that love or sexual attraction might be the motives; instead, they turn to frivol reasons such as money and to labels such as "whores". It really doesn't matter how old the guy is - even if he is only ten years older than you, they will keep on saying the following expression :"he might as well be her father." I mean - in what sick society people become fathers at 10 anyways?! If he is 20 years old - "he might as well be your grandfather."   What makes me insane is this pervert need to continuously label people and relationships. If there is something we cannot understand - we just call it "unnatural" and we try really hard not to have any contact ...

The day I became an employee...PE ROMANESTE!!!

  Attention! This post is in a language you may not understand!    Azi la ora patru fara zece ma gaseam in fata oglinzii, pregatindu-ma sa ies din casa pentru o zi scurta de munca. O voce usoara parca imi sopteste in ureche: e 16 octombrie...16 octombrie...octombrie, 16...ohh!   Si atunci constientizezi ca se fac exact 2 ani de cand te-ai angajat pentru prima oara. 2 ani de cand ai inceput sa fii (oarecum) independenta financiar, 2 ani in care cel putin 80% din sufletul tau s-a dus in acel loc de munca. Una buna, una rea, ai putea spune ca este o oarecare balanta, insa atunci cand singura ta reactie referitoare la jobul tau este un usor zambet amar, parca te face sa te intrebi...   In minte vezi acea fata de 21 de ani care, in ciuda tuturor concursurilor si olimpiadelor la care a participat, avea de a face atunci cu cea mai emotionanta zi din viata ei. Sunt curioasa daca voi avea o zi in care voi fi mai emotionata de atat...Olimpiadele erau floare la ureche, ...

Things Romanians have a hard time understanding. Part 1.

Today while I was driving from my home town to Bucharest in order to catch my flight back to the mighty North, I noticed some things and I thought of others. (just to answer some people's question, I don't just sit on the sofa waiting for ideas to come, I am busy as hell, yet there are always times when you just sit and think. And when you get your thoughts in the right order, it takes you only 15 minutes to write a post, voila, le magique.) Since I cursed like crazy so many dudes who got a car and a licence, but not a brain, I thought I should make a list of things Romanian people have difficulty in understanding. 1. Roundabouts. I find roundabouts to be the most elegant mean of intersection (except those little annoying extremely crowded ones, like you can find in Piatra-neamt). If I am to drive 350 km like I did today, I need to constantly remember myself not to look only on my left side while entering the round-about, but also the right side , for idiots. So, imagine I ...

Impossible love stories

  I had today an intense conversation with my mum and my aunt about Mr. Right and men in general and, as it usually happens, good thoughts come only after the discussion is over. Since I find men quite a controversial and interesting topic, I will take this post to write my reflections on men and relationships. 1. First and most important - NEVER CHASE A MAN! I can't emphasize enough how many tears and how much wasted time this rule saves you from. I know - you are probably like myself: one of those girls who have been told all their lifes by their mothers/teachers/shrinks/glossy magazines,etc that they could persue everything they want, that the sky is not the limit. Follow your dream wherever it may lead you, right? Or, like one of my favorite songs says, dream on, dream on, dream on, dream until your dreams come true!!!   Set high expectations, never settle for less, you can get everything that you want! I truly appreciate mothers who raise their daughters like this, witho...

Crossing personal boundaries: how Danish I am!

  Yesterday I felt tired like never before; the day before I had a 12 and a half hour shift and then I had to wake up early in the morning to study. ( note to myself: apply for SU, it is almost impossible to be a full time student and also work 30 hours/week.) After school I went to work and the very first thing I hear is "Georgiana is very mad at me because I am making rolls." I mean - WTF?!?! I started shaking instantly and I asked Boyfriend: " ce mama ma-sii e asta?" , which basically means What the fuck is this? He told me what he always does when it is about this girl - take it easy, you know she got some issues - well, honey, the thing is when I feel my privacy is violated I turn into the most insane woman ever!   Do you know how they say about Danes that they are by far the most closed, private and introverted people there is in the world? Well - I wasn't aware of that until recently and frankly I was quite surprised. Foreigners are having a hard time t...

"I tried carrying the weight of the world...

   ... but I only have two hands."        Since a lot has changed in my life lately - I guess I have used this sentence way too often, well, yes, everything is continuously changing all over the world, we are after all living in the "speed era" - I am of course entitled to write a post about it, right? You might find it is awkward that I write posts about my personal life, but I don't : Every where you go, people's favourite topic is the same : themselves! I guess all of you have experienced at some point that, as a curtosy, you ask someone how they had been doing lately (or sometimes you don't even ask anything!) and you are being forced to listen to a fairytale for the next hour because you are too kind to ask them to get a shrink. The positive thing about this blog entry is that you can actually "shut" me up whenever you feel like it and I won't even get pissed about it! (it's not like won't show me exactly where you ...

What I have learned from the most fucked-up work day ever

I am usually reticent about writing about my work on my blog, I normally have this awesome word document where I write what I like to call "my book on the kitchen", but today was a truly distinct day from which I have learned things about myself that really amazed me. So - let's begin, shall we?   1. There is no such thing as an inevitably fucked up situation. There are of course all kinds of fucked up, from "little stressful" to "fucking fucked up", yet there are a few things in this world that can't be repaired and a baaaad working day is definetely not one of those things. So - drink some water, swear a lot ( preferably in your own language), take a couple of deep breaths and do what you do best.   2. I can be a an excellent fixer, so what I wrote about myself only a couple of days ago is therefore invalid. I am a doer, a thinker, a dreamer and a fixer. 3. You - my girl - are an wonderful creature, never-ever doubt that again! I am thrilled ...

How to deal with introverts: A five steps guide for dummies*

      First step : Who are they and where do we find them?    If you enter a room - for example, a school room - you will see people socializing with each other. Small or bigger groups being loud and among these groups you will see infiltrated one person staying alone, probably not talking with anyone.  These people will be either reading a book,using their mobile phones or simply smiling, practicing some nervous habbit ( like bitting one's nails) while listening to the other groups. From my experience I would say that two out of 10 people are introverts and you will find these people spread among the groups, not with each other, at least at the beginning.     Step number two : What exactly are these weirdos?  Well, firstly they are not weirdos and they definetely don't like being called/treated as such. During my first high shcool semester, my so-called class master was very worried about me, telling my mother that I hated people and th...


I woke up this morning with a sore throat, a partial stuffy, partial running nose, a stiff neck, a mild headache, the feeling of emptiness inside and a broken heart. I got out of bed and the first thought was: how silly was I not to have learned yet that trying to hurt people will result in me being hurt the most, will make me feel like I have a huge hole inside me, like I am running out of air. So I wonder: perhaps my cold symptoms are just a projection of my hurt inner self, perhaps if you feel rotten inside ( like I do) it will more than show on the outside. So, in my desperate attempt to rather heal a broken heart than make amends, I will take my time to apologize to: that waiter in Rome who I might have offended by asking the change, to my mother, to whom I said when I was 15 that it was high time to stop holding hands; it was the stupidest thing, I still hold hands with her now; to my little brother, because when he was a baby and I was still living with my parents, I spent time ...

Fixers and Doers

I have to admit: I am not a fixer. I could never assume the role of a fixer : if you tell me to do something from the very beginning, I will do more than a qualifed job. On the other hand, if you wait for me to come and fix other's failure, not only will I be completely annoyed, but I will also most likely do not a shitty, but a mediocre job. And you can call me many things, but mediocre is something I simply don't do.   I am a doers. A dreamer and a doers; I am rebel, as my father liked to say everytime I didn't want to listen to his nonsense. I am smart, kind, willing to help everyone, I get mad fast, my heart breaks even when I think something bad might happen to someone that I truly dislike and, when I think about it, I never truly disliked anyone. I cry a lot, I am an attention seeker, obsessive compulsive, I am a maniac, I get depressed easily, I never tell lies and I am allergic to bullshit to a point that I cannot be nice if nice means dealing with bullshit; I am m...

A day reminicent of childhood

  I am a quite an open minded person, who likes and can understand every point of view : it's not like I am a fade person who doesn't have strong opinions, it's more like I am quite empathetic and I can understand why you - for instance - like fruits in your veggie salads, even though I find it the biggest nonsense. How do I do that? Simple. First of all, I accept the fact that opinions and tastes are different and it's only stupid to try to impose myself on others. Secondly, I am not retard so I know that absolutely everything in this world has pros and cons and we are so different that what a "pro" is to me can be a "con" to you. That is why people tend to tell me all of their problems and complaints and that's why some days leave me so out of energy; listening to some many complaints can suck it all out of you. There is though one thing that not only I cannot understand and accept, but that also manages to make me a mess in just seconds : SCR...

The reason why I hate stupid people... because they do stupid things that shouldn't annoy me, but they do, because mother raised me to be too nice for this world. When I finish work, I put my backpack on the seat in front of me and I put my feet on the backpack. Only during summers, only on the backpack, my feet never touch the seat. I check from times to times and if a lot of people are getting in the train, I take my feet (and the backpack off.) I say I am more than civilized and I do spend around 12 hours per day standing, so I do it out of necessity. What a lady does today (after her dog kept on sniffing and licking us and I am really scared of dogs, so it wasn't a nice experience, but I said nothing) : when she gets up, she says: "you know - In Denmark, we don't sit like this!" and she left in a hurry, not being bold enough to let me reply :" my feet hurt really bad and they don't touch the seat, is it okay is Denmark for the backpack to stay on the seat?" Or "you know, wh...

Short history of Romania for dummies

        Beginnings: I will be blunt and tell the history of Romanians, very briefly though. We were basically some nice primitive Dacian (part of the Thracians) people living peacefully in this place when in the beginning of the second century the Romans came and conquered us. Basically our blood is nowadays half Dacian and half Roman and, even though some people are really proud of this, there isn't really anything to be proud of : some barbarians came by, killed all the men and raped the women for centuries, but then, I dare you to show me a single nation who wasn't born out of rape! Nothing to be proud of, nothing to be ashamed about, so let's move on.      The language:  Our language is one of the five Romance languages ( together with Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and French) and it is said that in some aspects ( like the grammar one) it is the closest to the old Latin language.      Thre...

Almost 23

I feel the need to explain myself a little bit. Earlier today, Boyfriend was reading my blog and it felt as usual. Freaking weird and I would have given anything for him to stop doing it. Ever since I was a child, I had this need of writing; I don't know whether I was born with it or it just came later, when talking became such a torture to me that I had no other choice than to write. Either way, writing feels just like a need to me, therefore I have to do what I have to do when pressured by the need; you have to pee and the longer you wait, the greater the torture; the feeling of relief is indeed a pleasure , but that doesn't really mean you want other people to see what you just did! It's basically the same with my writing; I do it because I feel the need to do it, the need that comes after days of seeing places and interacting with people; I am not proud of it and I certainly don't like the way I write; There are moments when I hate myself for writing, moments when ...

Birthday, daddy issues and what makes me the way I am

    Today we were having lunch and I was of course pressured by the same question: what do you want for you B-day? when a girl with cute small tattoos on her back passed by and I said "I want a tattoo". Boyfriend reacted  like some cold water has just been poured on him (although considering the actual heat, that would be rather nice!) and his answer felt just like a slap - or a 1000 slaps :"as long as you are with me, you will never get a tattoo; if this happens, I will dump you immediately!" I was both amused and annoyed by his reaction: how come he didn't know I was fooling around? After three years of relationship he should know better that I share his opinions about tattoos. But then, how can he react like Hitler since he knows better than anyone else that I have lived with a Hitler for 20 years and I really really really can't stand being told that I am allowed or not to do something? You see - what you need to know about me is that I will do the oppos...